Decentralize Your Life - #549

By Scott Cunningham | Tech And Things | 2 Aug 2023

Let’s go on a comprehensive journey beyond the scope of a traditional guide into a decentralized lifestyle transformation. Ready to reclaim the life you unknowingly let slip away, both online and offline? Here’s your blueprint!

We cover the BRICS gold-backed currency, stablecoins, and WorldCoin. We deeply dive into core principles behind decentralization, like freedom, privacy, anonymity, decentralization, financial independence, and security. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach but a spectrum that you can adopt to fit your comfort level and lifestyle.

Here’s a sneak peek at what we’re exploring:

🔒 Cybersecurity: Master the art of password management, strengthen your email security, and navigate a variety of security and privacy services. We’ll examine tools like DashLane,, and more!

👥 Understanding Social Engineering: Protect yourself from the rampant “hacks” that are actually cleverly disguised social engineering tactics.

🎭 Account Creation & Internet Usage: Learn how to create new accounts while maintaining your privacy and optimizing your internet usage for safety.

💰 Finance: Get insights into managing your Fiat and cryptocurrency accounts, and learn about alternative spending methods. We’ll talk about precious metals, Bitcoin ATMs, and digital cash cryptocurrencies like Dash, BCH, and LTC.

🌐 Decentralization: From backup phones to offshore finance, emergency supplies to real estate investing, we’re covering all aspects of decentralization.

This podcast aims to equip you with knowledge and tools to gain better control over your digital and real-world existence. But remember, these measures exist on a spectrum; adopt what makes sense for you.


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Scott Cunningham
Scott Cunningham

Host of Crypto & Things. Sharing my vision of the emerging #Web3 landscape & how we can successfully navigate the digital transformation with #AI & #blockchain. Links:

Tech And Things
Tech And Things

I am the host of Tech & Things and a social media blockchain enthusiast using what I believe to be the next level of social communication. Join me as I share my vision of the emerging Web 3.0 landscape and how we can successfully navigate the digital transformation of AI & blockchain technologies. Links:

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