7 Cybersecurity Tips - Protect Yourself Online

By Scott Cunningham | Tech And Things | 4 May 2022

Most people do not take very good care of their online security. Here are 7 things you can do to protect yourself better online. Take it from someone who studied IT Security, cybersecurity matters.




This is my 519th episode/article. I put a great deal of work into this content so if you find it valuable, please do like, share, comment and subscribe!


For passwords and emails, you want to have the fewest connections possible between them, no re-used passwords, and only one recovery email completely separate from everything. The worst thing you can do is have one email that connects to everything and gives a bad actor access to everything.


  • Passwords
    • It’s easiest to use a password manager to manage all your passwords which shouldn’t be re-used if possible.
    • Have different passwords at the very least for your more important accounts. If you don’t want to have 100 passwords, you can use one for your bank, one for crypto, one for bank email, one for your crypto email, one for social media, and one for your recovery email.
    • Since there are hacks, leaks, etc. You should try to change your passwords once a year.
    • Use http://www.passwordmeter.com/ to create a good password and https://www.security.org/how-secure-is-my-password/ to see how long it would take to crack it
    • The best type of password that you can remember is 3 words with at least one capital, 3 numbers, and 1 special character.
      • Example – 471!girlrainbowbridgE – This would take 3 sextillion years to crack.
    • Emails
      • Use a public facing email for things that are unimportant.
      • Use multiple emails with no identifiable words that connect to you in some way for important accounts. For example, if your name is Scott Cunningham, don’t use an email like [email protected] for your bank account.
      • A good example of an email could be similar to the password style like [email protected]
      • Use an email provider that won’t penalize you like Google might. I recommend Protonmail.com
      • Don’t use your bank, crypto, or recovery email for anything in public. Use your unimportant email to sign up for things.
      • You can check if your email was in a database leak or if any passwords you have connected to them were leaked: https://www.avast.com/hackcheck/#pc and https://haveibeenpwned.com/.
    • Use security and privacy services
      • Use something like a VPN for privacy and security as well as a secure browser. I like to use Brave browser because it also blocks ads and things could potentially contain something malicious and save data.
      • Limit as many permissions where possible like on social media accounts and use as many privacy options as possible. Brave browser also has privacy options you can enable.
      • Use an anti-virus software. I like Avast, but I also McAfee since it comes with Bell’s internet service.
      • Also always keep your firewall on and your system up to date with the latest updates and patches for security flaws.
    • Understand social engineering
      • The most important thing you need to keep in mind is that 90%+ of “hacks” are just social engineering. You are most likely to run into trouble online because you were simply tricked. Whether it’s by a phishing website, fake email, or anything similar.
    • Privacy & sharing personal information
      • You should share as little personally identifiable information as possible. If you are not public facing with your professional career, you’re better off hiding as much private information as possible from the public. This is most important for crypto-related accounts.
    • New accounts
      • Always create brand new accounts instead of using social account logins like Google or Facebook.
      • Use platforms that don’t require much information from you. (No KYC)
    • Internet usage
      • Always connect via an Ethernet cable and avoid using Wi-Fi where possible.
        • You can be much more easily tracked and hacked via Wi-Fi


Do you follow any of these practices? Am I missing any or wrong about any? Let me know what you think about this in the comments below and don’t forget to subscribe!

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Scott Cunningham
Scott Cunningham

Host of Crypto & Things. Sharing my vision of the emerging #Web3 landscape & how we can successfully navigate the digital transformation with #AI & #blockchain. Links: http://www.scottcbusiness.com/

Tech And Things
Tech And Things

I am the host of Tech & Things and a social media blockchain enthusiast using what I believe to be the next level of social communication. Join me as I share my vision of the emerging Web 3.0 landscape and how we can successfully navigate the digital transformation of AI & blockchain technologies. Links: http://www.scottcbusiness.com/

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