Phone Photography

By soyernesto | Art Diary | 14 Jan 2025

Article first published on my personal blog at HIVE

This is my second participation in the Phonography contest, an initiative of friend Untilwelearn. It’s a wonderful opportunity to share the photos that make us happy and tell a bit of their story. As it will be customary, this time I present original and special content for the community.

Redmi 9A Participating Photo Xiaomi M2006C3LG 3.43 mm, f/2.2, 1/30 s, ISO126, EXP 0, no flash

Today I want to show you my small collection of Star Wars Lego figures. It is a small collection of figures that I was given along with some blocks. The set has some main characters and blocks to build a ship. They are very special to me for several reasons. First, in my country it is quite difficult to find this kind of pieces, since there are no stores or places specialized in this kind of items. I am a great lover of the Star Wars franchise, especially the first movies and The Clone Wars. Although I have to confess that over time I have lost track of it, perhaps because I don’t have the same free time I had years ago.

Redmi 9A   Xiaomi M2006C3LG 3.43 mm, f/2.2, 1/50 s, ISO156, EXP 0, no flash


These pieces also have sentimental value for me. If I remember correctly, it was a gift from my cousins, maybe around 2014 if memory serves me correctly, and I treasure them with great value, although I have suffered some losses during my moves.

My favorite figures are the Darth Vader and Obi Wan Kenobi ones, although the troopers are also very nice and have the removable helmet, which makes them a lot of fun. These figures adorn my modest desk and have become models for my photos on more than one occasion.

Redmi 9A   Xiaomi M2006C3LG 3.43 mm, f/2.2, 1/20 s, ISO544, EXP 0, no flash


Today I want to share with you some photos I took of them while playing with them. I like to change their positions and create imaginary scenes. Legos are a great tool for imagination and creativity, without being a toy just for kids. My favorite pictures are of the Clone Trooper Lieutenant and will be the one that will be the contestant.

Redmi 9A   Xiaomi M2006C3LG 3.43 mm, f/2.2, 1/15 s, ISO1031, EXP 0, no flash


I hope you enjoy them and like the photo. I personally liked the final result. Best regards and have a nice day. See you in the next posts. Bye!

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Art Diary

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