Art and perception
Art and perception

Art and perception

Art conveys more than what we see at a glance. In this blog, I will try to talk about various flip side of stories through art and poems or some mental phases that we often face during our life.


28 May 2020 5 minute read 1 comment MehakJain

We are different and hence vulnerable, to all those out there waiting to be like us. We are scared to share our strengths with weaklings. But who are we to decide that we are strongest or better without exploring this gift of beautiful world. This is...


27 May 2020 1 minute read 0 comments MehakJain

Two segment of a man's soulGood and evil they are called.They asked me to choose one,Not knowing the secret, I have learnt.Love others the former taught, Why not yourself, the evil spoke.Despite being hated by those others,All it wanted in us, was al...

Let's fly!

27 May 2020 1 minute read 0 comments MehakJain

What's common between bird and us, the society asked.Wings!, I proudly answered.So, they gifted me the fear of heights.The day I learnt, being ambitious is a battle, not only with the world but also with ourselves.