Spectrecoin + Amsterdex = The Full Anonymous Trading Experience!

By Amsterex.com | Amsterdex | 8 Apr 2019


Can you give us a global word about the project?

Spectrecoin is a cryptocurrency with an intense focus on developing its own privacy technology and with a philosophy of protecting the privacy of its users. Spectrecoin is a ‘dual-coin’ system and have two distinct ‘coins’ and modes of transactions. One coin is XSPEC, a 'public coin', very much like Bitcoin and the other is SPECTRE, an 'anonymous coin', very much like Monero. You can swap between the two in your wallet.

Spectrecoin has two separate consensus mechanisms working alongside each other on the same blockchain. The well-known and well-tested ‘Proof-of-Stake V3’ (PoSv3) and our own ‘Proof-of-Anonymous-Stake’ (PoAS) developed in-house. This gives Spectrecoin real-world anonymous transaction capability with anonymous staking ability.

Spectrecoin utilizes a range of proven cryptographic techniques to achieve un-linkable, un-traceable and anonymous transactions on its underlaying blockchain and also protects the user’s identity by running all the network nodes as Tor hidden services.

The project development is governed by ‘The Spectrecoin Foundation CIC’ which is a UK registered not-for-profit organisation with a stated aim of developing a superior and user-friendly privacy product.

What are Xspec Main features?

There are two main features. We are immensely proud of our own unique ‘Proof-of-Anonymous-Stake’, which is the first such protocol for a trustless proof-of-stake system. In a nutshell, it allows you to stake your anonymous coins and get rewarded with anonymous coins. This means that you can keep you whole balance hidden from the world whilst you stake. In addition, with the partnership with Amsterdex, you can now also trade your anonymous coins on a no-KYC exchange.


The private transaction system is based on Cryptonote (as in Monero) and uses ring-signatures and specially developed stealth techniques to protect the privacy of both the sender and the receiver. In Spectrecoin v3.x due for release in April 2019, we have made a range of improvements to this system.


What is the next big goal to achieve?

A big goal is to get wider adoption and for the world to recognise the value and merit of this unique project and the hard work from our dedicated developers. We will continue to develop our own unique set of privacy features and optimise the anonymous staking mechanism. Furthermore, we are committed to making our software user friendly and secure.


Amsterdex Partnership with Spectrecoin

We are tremendously excited by our partnership with the Amsterdex exchange. Amsterdex is the first exchange that offers trading of our anonymous SPECTRE coins and allows a total privacy experience. You can buy/sell, deposit/withdraw and get stake rewards without ever leaving any identifiable trace behind and without disclosing your balance and holdings. I suggest that the reader stops to think about this for a little while.

If you keep a balance of SPECTRE in your wallet and stake, you will in effect generate anonymous money that you can then trade on Amsterdex.

Trade here: https://www.amsterdex.com/exchange?market=xspec


In the world of cryptocurrencies who are your competitors?

We consider Monero to be our main competitor. We see ourselves as a sort of Proof-of-Stake alternative to Monero. Although the tech differs on many points there are also many similarities.

What is the importance of your community and what are the interactions?

We have several active communities on Discord, Telegram and Reddit. The core team is normally around on our Discord server.

Here are some community writers:



An interview with Mandica from Spectrecoin team!


Spectrecoin Project links:
Website: https://spectreproject.io/
GitHub: https://github.com/spectrecoin/spectre
Block explorer: https://chainz.cryptoid.info/xspec/
Coinmarketcap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/spectrecoin/
NEWS-letter: https://news.spectreproject.io/
Discord: https://discord.gg/ckkrb8m
Twitter (official): https://twitter.com/Spectrecoin
Twitter (official): https://twitter.com/XspecRising
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/XSPEC/
Telegram: https://t.me/spectrecoin
Whitepaper: https://spectreproject.io/White_Paper.pdf


Amsterdex Official Links:
Home — https://www.amsterdex.com/
Bitcointalk — https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5068288.0
Discord — https://discordapp.com/invite/Yk4hQw8
Twitter — https://twitter.com/amster_dex
Telegram — https://t.me/Amsterdex
Medium — https://medium.com/@amsterdex
Publish0x — https://www.publish0x.com/amsterdex
Youtube — https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr8yO2YE74cpz5e3OuTFEBA

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Amsterex is a fast, safe and trustworthy cryptocurrency trading platform located in The Netherlands. Built up from the ground. This gives us total freedom in our developmental and software implementation options.

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