A Peek into History: Ethan Allen

A Peek into History:

The patriot Ethan Allen died February 13, 1789 in Vermont.
Ethan was born in Connecticut on January 21, 1738.
His love for the areas now called Vermont led him into many interesting adventures…

In July of 1762 Ethan married Mary Brownson, it was an unhappy marriage by accounts. (Maybe why Ethan was such an adventure seeker?)
Mary died in 1783. They had 5 children but only 2 lived into adulthood.


Before America had earned her Independence from Great Britain, the colony of New York claimed the territory in the New Hampshire Grant that is now Vermont. Many of the colonists that inhabited those regions did not take well to far off New York controlling them.

Allen rallied the local settlers to protect their interests in the lands and as such these citizen soldiers became known as the Green Mountain Boys. New York quickly declared them outlaws. These men harassed the settlers coming from New York and trying to claim lands they did not have right to claim. They were such a thorn in the side of New York, the Governor put a price on Ethan Allen and some of the known Green Mountain Boys.

Green Mountain Boys FlagFlag of the Green Mountain Boys

As we all know, a more impressive enemy was at the gates with New York, and as soon as the Red Coats attacked Lexington everything changed and the once outlaw Ethan Allen became Colonel Ethan Allen of the Continental Army.

Allen led the Green Mountain Boys into many a fight. One of his most famous victories was the capture of Fort Ticonderoga.

Colonel Allen lost command of the Green Mountain Boys as they were merged into the Continental Army. He took the loss well, and continued to serve the army as a civilian scout.

During the Battle of Longue-Pointe Allen was captured and spent 3 long years in prison ships off the coast of Canada, England, Ireland and again off the coast of Canada. Much of this time he was put on display so the British Public could see one of the “typical colonist” and how backward and uncivilized the colonials were.


In 1778 by luck of a prisoner exchange Ethan was able to return to the Continental Army and made a Major, although he was never given a command nor asked to serve, the rank was a symbol of thanks to him for all he endured.

After the American Revolution Ethan led a full life. He remarried (happily to Frances Buchanan), raised a family of 3 children, tended to a large farm, ran a few successful business ventures, wrote the book “Reason” and even took up politics. A full life indeed!

Three cheers for Ethan Allen, American Patriot! HUZZAH! HUZZAH! HUZZAH!


I hope this short peek into history was of interest to you. I plan on posting more short historical interest pieces like this as time allows. I am using the NSSAR Key Hole to History as a foundation. Once I get a few of these up I may branch into the 1860's too.

I am a Member of the William Prince Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, in Princeton KY. https://www.facebook.com/WPRINCE.SAR

If you are interested in History I’d like to recommend that you become active in your local Historical and Genealogy Societies along with the SAR or DAR. History needs you!

History does not repeat itself, but it most assuredly rhymes!
More of my short works at: https://cb.run/jicK

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Father, retired Firefighter

American History, no such thing as a single cause
American History, no such thing as a single cause

History is a muddy mess! If someone tells you ANY event in history happened due to one thing or issue, RUN! They are an idiot! Example 1:American Revolution. What caused it? Taxes, representation, military over reach, distance, King George? All good answers but there are hundreds more! Example 2: "Civil War" was all about slavery. Lincoln called for the invasion in 1861 yet he created West Virginia in 1863 as a NEW UNION SLAVE STATE. Many more examples are out there...

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