World economic market

By Alther | Alther | 1 Nov 2022

This November will be a turning point for crypto exchanges towards the end of 2022. In the midst of global economic conditions that are experiencing many obstacles, crypto is undeniably affected. Moreover, many people say the conditions next year will be more alarming. However, despite the gloomy outlook for the global economy, there is one concern that needs to be considered from a different perspective than the gloomy forecast.

This year, it is known and has been felt that in various ways, all paths are indiscriminately affected, but even so, it is still necessary to watch out for the evil moves or strategies of world-class players who have become brains in it. Instead of diverting the issue of dismal economic conditions this year and next, they are actually playing in it to straighten their path in terms of profits in each sector.

One sector that needs to be watched out for is the food, gold, oil, and gas sector as well as the strengthening need for the US dollar. That's the biggest problem right now. Really? As we can see that since 1974 America has taken up the issue with a model like this which is called the Petrol dollar issue. And what should be seen is that since then the use of the dollar has almost reached 90% in the world, but recently it has decreased significantly.


Image by Lorenzo Cafaro from Pixabay 

Apart from the problem of the four things above, crypto as an evenly distributed economic battering ram does not escape being the target of these capitalists. Where they can have several types of cryptocurrencies available cheaply this year as a security for their assets.

As was the case a few years ago, the world was shocked by the presence of Covid-19. Which in the end can bring several kinds of stock stocks in the pharmaceutical sector to experience a fairly large increase. And while the current condition of the condition of food scarcity, can be interpreted that it can bring several kinds of stocks related to food that will experience good in the future.

In the case of rising interest rates on inflation, unknowingly and undeniably make the dollar soar and weaken other currencies. Gold has decreased with the issue of silver as a competitor. Meanwhile, oil and gas is affected by war conditions and cuts from oil-producing countries have faltered but have provided a new way for the conditions they are facing.

The world political stage, based on the negative side view of the vigilance of the capitalists, really needs to be watched out for and critically considered in the journey of life in today's global society. The struggle for the throne as to who the actors and directors are is a drama that needs to be thoroughly studied.

Who is affected? Victims of war, or the global community do not fully understand what political maneuvering is in the economic sphere. Obviously, it is hungry who are the victims. It's not just a matter of skill, job, or laziness. However, the conditions created create a variety of existing problems. Termination of work, bankruptcy in a sector, rising prices, and lack of business opportunities. And it's not about getting a good job or avoiding the existing economic problems.

At first glance, it seems so evil and a bad view of critical economic conditions if you look at it, but this is not an anti-positive side of thinking. Because vigilance and depth of logical thinking may be able to give a good result if indeed economic conditions will worsen next year. And hope in the form of optimism, even though there must always be, is still like an empty hope or like a dream can happen like a fairy tale. As a reminder of the message on economic issues, consider a few quotes from this sentence, "When someone can control food, it can control people. When someone can control energy then he can control the country. And when someone controls the currency, that means he can control the world."


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