Entering the gates of a productive economy must be difficult because it must be full of color. Bursting with everything that sparkles with a wide variety of choices served, everyone mindlessly picks a few. Education, writing, motherhood, and the economy will eventually end up in the business sector. The four variables that many people want to study, but unfortunately the rules in the world are not easy to be able to walk as easily as human steps to transition. It all started with human writing. Writing, which for some people is a hobby, turns into a passion or a goal of research. Growing up when we were still students and received an education. Although various things pile up, when your fingers dance on the keys it feels like doing muffles, boredom, negative emotions, and friends.
Through an article, the world finds many records that are truly historical evidence. Pour and tell all kinds of things that will eventually be told to others. Like opium that will never run away and leave the pattern of human life. Even though there are those who don't care anymore, it is time and conditions that keep them apart. When time brings together books, and writing. It seemed like the sacred thing was like a ripple calling out. In the end, they want to start again and return to their productivity.
The hypothesis of life is, it will not be easy for humans to go through it. Because humans will jump over some things that are in another 'capslock' challenge. For example, choosing to write, means that someone has to tighten the realm of time management skills, maybe they will apply another time, just a few minutes, and several other activities that must be arranged in order to be able to insert time for their passion.
Through the first introduction to the concept of a peer-to-peer electronic cash system, everyone was amazed by Satoshi and his writings, who designed everything in such a way. Initially, the world looked like a toy coin for people to choose this finding, like other dexterous historical traces that require that the form of discovery that has been chosen is in accordance with the mind map. But it turns out that the world will say differently if something productive can run by itself without being required to meet the standards of the world's rulers.
The hexagonal economy is inspired by the shape of a beehive that has high efficiency and maximum benefits. Time as another challenge means that apart from tightening time management, we also take the time to decide to keep doing everything while waiting and looking for enthusiasm, working liters of hard work, and hoping to be a stock of ammunition to finish things up to the finish line. It all started from a white sheet of paper that could eventually walk on the red carpet of the economic world.
Everyone is invited to clean up and start building their own hexagonal house. Where the hexagon house is a dream house built for personal needs, so in their bee house this time, they will be able to create a variety of welfare for children and families. Because the productive field this time is the economic field, the mandatory thing to prepare is a writing workspace overlooking the hexagon garden, which is connected to the world side room. When entering the building area of the house, guests will be greeted with a living room that has direct access to the central Hexa garden. On the right is a mini library whose size tends to be larger than the size of a home library, the library building is side by side with the worship room.
A peer-to-peer electronic system without a third person. One key for transactions and security, running in a registered evidence system, in a network with adequate space capacity, with the speed of the running system, with easy verifications for reporting needs that are divided between incoming and outgoing, but with the form of security and freedom of privacy determination or not. Such is the brief description of the purpose of the financial system that is written as a witness to history, as at the beginning of the paragraph touched by the word education which means technology, writing which is symbolized in Satoshi's writing, and Mother as the originator of the birth of the existence of cryptocurrency.