Variety of languages

By Alther | Alther | 8 Aug 2022

Books of language or better known as dictionaries. Where the dictionary contains a variety of languages ​​that exist in this world, of course, depending on which language we choose or want to learn more deeply. For example dictionaries of English, Indonesian, French, Arabic, Russian, and many other languages.

In my own country, which has so many different tribes, it adds to the many regional languages ​​that exist. So Indonesian is used as a unified language for the Indonesian people to make it easier to communicate with one another. If you want to explore, of course, there are also publishers who make dictionaries in the regional language you want to learn. And in some regions in Indonesia, the curriculum includes the local language as one of the additional curricula that must be studied.

The existence of a dictionary at that time was very useful in the eyes of the Internet era which was not quite as adequate as it is today. However, it is possible for dictionaries to be abandoned in modern times because of the convenience obtained by using existing translators or provided online at this time. The translators who were present did make it easier to learn the language they wanted to learn, but it turns out that a language book or dictionary is still needed for some people to study it more deeply or properly and correctly.

With the variety of languages ​​that exist in the world, indeed many people certainly want to be able to master many languages. Because the mastery of many languages, of course, will not only make it easier for someone to communicate with other people who have different languages, but also make it easier for many things such as work, association, and understanding.


Image by sauvageauch0 from Pixabay

Maybe at this time, if it is said for the world category, English is an international language. Where it makes it easier for people from various countries to communicate with one another. And because English is an international language, it will be very easy for us to get an English dictionary or a translator that is available in English.

Sometimes I really want to master the many languages ​​that exist, but the limitations of ability, age, and intentions actually affect these intentions. In fact, for English alone, I still have a lot to learn and I understand the formation of using English properly and correctly. Especially if it is in the form of writing. It turns out that between conversation and writing it is easier for conversation to form learning and its application in the real world.


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