The middle of nowhere

By Alther | Alther | 8 Feb 2022

As we know that every nation has a currency that is recognized and used as the currency of that country. And the currency is also useful as the basic formation of a nation's economic rate. The more recognized and liked, of course, it will have a good impact on the country concerned. And it also affects the existence of the currency's value in the eyes of the world. Just a glance at the meaning of the existing currency.



Image by NikolayFrolochkin from Pixabay

The currency that we have known and used for a long time, is known for the physical characteristics of coins and sheets of paper being printed. We call it a fiat currency. There are various fiat currencies that are so dominant in the world and the most frequently used are the US Dollar and the Euro. Two currencies are so famous for the fiat currency category. And of course, it can't be underestimated or forgotten the existence of Yen, Yuan, or Pound Sterling

In today's era which we call the era of robotics, there is a currency without a state, without a physical one, but has a value that has exceeded the value of the superior fiat currency in the world. People are now familiar with the word cryptocurrency. This currency is indeed in digital form, although fiat currency at this time we also encounter already has a digital presence. But different will be the existence and the existing formation.



Image by Sergei Tokmakov Terms.Law from Pixabay

Cryptocurrencies have unwittingly become the most respected and hated currency to date, especially for bankers and politicians as well as for the formation of a nation. Until a variety of efforts and regulations were born to be able to control the pace and because they could not be contained in the community.

A project formed unexpectedly as a revolutionary for the world. Comes with the word freedom and cannot be claimed by a nation as the currency of its country. Countries that use it can only be said to have received and used the currency as the legal currency in their country. Although it looks like without rules, crypto is born with the word financial freedom for every individual. Born out of disgust with the existence of monopolies and the power of the world's economists who so denounce the financial existence of every individual human being.

Currency from a country that knows nowhere, which in the end becomes a scourge and can become so recognized for the world today. Not without dynamics, but slowly getting through the obstacles that exist. The decentralization that was promoted became a basis that was continuously echoed. And of course, stick to the safety reference that takes precedence above all else. Created many other cryptocurrency presences to date.

To say that the country is out of nowhere but has reached the point it is today is quite astonishing, isn't it, you could say it's unbelievable for it to have happened like this. The presence may be like his feet were bare, but now has even become a dream and even a dream formation for everyone who exists to have it. That's the world, everything we can't look down on. We cannot draw conclusions from just a glance. Only time will tell every presence that comes later.

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