Questioning financial freedom

By Alther | Alther | 27 Oct 2022

The life of today's society cannot be denied by the existing financial conditions. Where is a benchmark for a person's comfort in carrying out his life? And this does not question the views of other people who are often discussed to the point of boredom which in the end only talks about the wealth or poverty of other people, which have no real use. But questioning financial problems yourself, where lies the view of finances for ourselves?

Everyone will be aware and definitely say without effort there will be no adequate results. And of course, talking about results will lead to the word finance. Like a job, the hope is that there will be a reward for what is done.



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But if you ask yourself about the financial problem itself, of course, there will be thousands of questions that are present. Is it for living expenses, entertainment costs, satisfaction fees, social costs, or other costs? And will be directed to a follow-up question about whether it is in accordance with the language of freedom that is carried out for oneself or for the needs of other people's views.

Questioning financial freedom to yourself seems an easy thing if you look at it with the naked eye. But in reality, this is not the case, because it turns out to be more difficult and if realized more is due to the oblivion of social conditions and responsibilities that must be carried out.

It doesn't matter what else if it's focused on the word responsibility. But if it is digested, can that responsibility fall into the category of freedom that is meant for oneself? It's difficult isn't it, it's not easy to digest the language of freedom according to the meaning of freedom itself. Especially if it is related to the condition of an institution, group, or country. It is becoming increasingly clear that there is no actual condition of financial freedom for oneself.

If it is said to be just a decision or a step, it also doesn't feel right if freedom is juxtaposed. Therefore, in the end, it is related to a binding rule without being felt to be sometimes restrictive and so shackles the conditions of freedom in question.

If it is continued and explored, will the attachment of a rule definitely be felt and can have an impact on the person concerned? If it can be answered as a criticism, it seems that it has never been conveyed properly and correctly. So that raises the question of what the language of financial freedom is being buzzed about. What is certain is only an excuse for certain people to enrich and straighten the existence of their financial goals through how to use other people's finances in the end.

Is it just a mirage of a sentence that questions the language of freedom? In reality, it is not a mirage, but the reality of the condition of the world economy which has been markedly damaged and so dilapidated in its true purpose and intention. Not once or twice the global economy has experienced a crisis. But it happened repeatedly. Can it be fixed from every incident that has happened? There is nothing but repetition every time it happens.

Financial freedom, so one proof of a big problem for a person's financial condition against himself. Which in the end always collides with problems that arise from the indecision that is created and also the damage to the existing economic system. Being responsible for yourself will certainly have an impact on yourself, but what if you ask about the responsibility of an institution, group, or state? There is only to bear without ever feeling what will cause them to be his dependent one day.



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