Hope for rescue with the hope of recovery to the market mechanism that is currently happening in crypto-economic conditions. Even if it is explored and taken from every existing cause that makes crypto conditions even weaker, in the existing view it turns out to be centered on the human error factor. From the condition of the existence of lust that ensnares occur variations such as fraud, theft, and also negligence.
Digital-based crypto is very influential in the world of programming and computerization. Which is basically built based on the thought of minimizing error conditions from work done manually. But it turns out that behind the conditions of minimizing the existing error conditions, it actually creates big problems if something goes wrong.
Computerization, which eventually developed progressively to present the context of robotization, is indeed very useful and very multipurpose in conditions of human needs according to the times. But the danger that confronts is also so great for the safety of human life itself.
Image by Davie Bicker from Pixabay
It seems natural that the fear of the word destruction can come from every person living in this era. Not to mention the problem of fears that humans will lose with the presence of robots in the context of competing in all fields. The needs that grow feel unbalanced with the progress of an increasingly advanced era. Being left behind is a word that is now commonly spoken by every individual there. This in the end creates a new paradox of the return of some humans to the stone age like the primitive era said by modern humans who live in increasingly advanced times.
Crypto has not completely collapsed, it is still in the corridor of decline due to human activity itself. In essence, humans should be aware of the language of greed. Everything that is happening in the crypto world today is the result of human nature's greed. And there is no need to see global economic conditions as a trigger, such as the problem of wars, natural disasters, or epidemics that make the economy collapse and hit all sectors. Crypto should be able to come as a savior from the world economic downturn, but unfortunately, the surrender and arrogance of scholars and developers in the crypto world are still arguing in the arguments of each party instead of uniting to improve the situation in the crypto economy itself.
The pursuit of profit is the main value of the crypto presence that is actually happening at this time. Which in the end forgets the birth of what crypto was created for.
The word doesn't want to be left behind only takes the form of the word fear of being left behind and not getting profit, not fear of being left behind from the degenerate condition of human nature regarding awareness of togetherness, humanity, and unity. The world is now shackled by the wealth and social conditions that are said to be socialites or the upper class. Forgetting the underprivileged who should be saved and actually really support the existence of world cycles in general.
Safe our soul is no longer worth proclaiming because it doesn't seem like it will be heard. What is now has changed to the point where the condition of Safe money is above all. Not being aware of the creation of a value for ourselves results in a form of how cheap our self-esteem is, which turns out to be only judged by how rich we are.
If the crypto community wants to be big and really is still on track, then the real evidence to the global condition now is the time to show it can get out of the storm side of the existing recession. Talk about the earth, justice, freedom, and independence. If there are still difficult words, break all that talk. #nonsense