Cryptocurrency based on quantity or quality?

By Alther | Alther | 12 Mar 2023

Cryptocurrencies are typically not based on quantity or quality, but rather on their underlying blockchain technology and the network of users who support and use them. However, some cryptocurrencies may have unique features or characteristics that differentiate them from others. It is important to research and understand the specific features and potential risks associated with any cryptocurrency before investing or using it.


As discussed in previous articles about the existence of blockchain which is indeed the basis for the existence of cryptocurrency. If cryptocurrency is not based on quantity or quality, what is visible now is the movement of cryptocurrency conditions which are only related to quantity or quality. People who enter or are familiar with cryptocurrencies currently on average no longer have a view of crypto as a payment or financial alternative that is better than fiat currency.

Even though it was created as an alternative to money in the digital world, it became digital cash, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin expected actual creation can been used as an alternative to traditional fiat money in the digital world due to their decentralized and secure nature. And they can be used for peer-to-peer transactions without the need for intermediaries like banks.

It is very unfortunate indeed, its presence has made crypto seen as a mere part of an asset or investment.

Most people only think about the problem of rising and falling prices so they tend to be in a position as sellers and buyers like currency traders. And in the end less and less awareness of the value of the mission and vision of cryptocurrency is created. Forgetting about the understanding and appreciation of the purpose and goals of cryptocurrency is declining over time.

In the end, as the conclusion and closing written this time, the need for concern for life is indeed the main human value. However, the awareness of placing something in its place is sometimes always forgotten by humans. Which in the end everything that is made or created for humans themselves is damaged and destroys the life of the human race order again. And cryptocurrency is a new example that is reborn as part of the creation of the need for the good of mankind which was created but destroyed by the creation of humans themselves.


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