Crypto makes age grow old faster

By Alther | Alther | 18 Feb 2023

Basically, if someone says crypto is fun and not stressful, I say that it's just a lie. Due to the fact that people who know crypto grow old faster because their thoughts and imagination are only concerned with crypto conditions. Where a person's condition before getting to know crypto can be said to have no better thoughts and tend not to worry about problems with market conditions that happen.

Imaging or dreams of becoming successful, wealthy, or being able to become a millionaire are certainly more likely to occur to people who have played in the crypto world. Without exception, from developers, investors, or cheering troops army.


Thoughts generated from the condition of someone playing crypto cannot be separated from the words profit and success. Trying hard how to reach the top of the word success from the presence of crypto. But unfortunately, after plunging in and climbing the existence of the crypto world itself, they realized that it was not as easy as other business conditions in real life.

So if it is said that crypto can save someone instantly, or can get rich suddenly, it is very rare. Like the words of the many participants who took part, maybe only a fraction of a percent could feel the conditions of success. Because in crypto, there really is a main problem that is the main thing in profit, namely the LUCK language.

Worry is a word of certainty that is present in the condition of everyone who plays crypto. It cannot be said that people who play crypto are calm in facing all existing conditions, both in bullish and bearish conditions.

The conclusion is this is a reminder for users who are just playing to be aware and be able to manage their emotions and level of patience if they want to play crypto. If you can't manage these conditions, then there is only stress and you will get old quickly later. Enjoy playing in the world of crypto that really tempts human faith.



One example of why crypto causes stress and headaches, imagine just wanting to withdraw $ 2 you need $ 35 dollars for the fee. Ha ha ha ha


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