Cash Rain: A Bitcoin Cash platform to Rain BCH with Various Communities

By Alther | Alther | 3 Dec 2022

A new website with an earning nuance for crypto users, especially for the community of bitcoin cash lovers and users, of course. Created by which is also known as the creator of provides a closer explanation of the meaning and purpose for which bitcoin cash was created.

38d50facfa900883cf2c825fa1c83c4f77a69fbb09a909789baaca4c328460e7.jpg comes with an interface that remains dominantly dark in color, perhaps black is indeed the favorite color of the website creator. It has features that are quite easy to understand and easy to use as expected, the meaning of the language cash rain is taken.

At first, glance, if one traces the existence of this website, the uses, and benefits of the existence of the purpose of this website are made in accordance with the expectations and expectations expected. Where it can also help content creators to introduce or display their work with the help of existing social media with rewards that can be adjusted according to the condition of the content creator's financial ability. However, it provides a fairly good turnover with offset rewards from the results of following the community in it. So that it can be said to complement one another.


Until now, is still in a beta state, supported by the existence of several existing main social media such as Twitter, Twitch, and Discord. As for Instagram and YouTube, they are still in a coming soon condition or work stage.


The positive thing about the presence of means adding a new earning platform for money seekers in cyberspace, amidst the sluggishness of the crypto market which was affected by various kinds of problems and scandals that occurred. On the other hand, can also help to increase the social presence of any person or community in exchange for using bitcoin cash as the cryptocurrency used. Meanwhile, from the side of the bitcoin cash community, it adds more concrete evidence of the ease of using bitcoin cash as a means of payment in the eyes of the global world, of course.


In conclusion, is very good and provides many benefits, of course, for the community and crypto lovers at its core, while at the general level it adds to the breadth of introducing the existence of cryptocurrencies, especially bitcoin cash as a means of payment.

As a final addition from me here, I also invite those who may not have joined to join via my invite code here and don't forget to join the community that I created there.



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