game theory youtube versus x and facebook

YouTube - A Novice Dives In On GAME THEORY and Why YT - Part 4

By davidgyoung | Alternative Investing | 20 Dec 2023

First three in this series took a swing at a few topics on this journey, and those are shown below:

YouTube - Why or Why Not - Part 1

YouTube - Impressions - Part 2

YouTube - Data and Analytics - Part 3

Part 4 is the final contribution for now, and it gets us into the exciting dynamics of Game Theory.  The question we challenged ourselves with is more or less the following: "If effort should be directed at just one of these 'social media' apps or platforms, which one should it be?"  We understand some can and will juggle a handful of platforms.  Our ability to do that is limited.  More importantly, we are much more concerned with which one will make the biggest impact moving forward and over an extended timeline and we could care less about any vanity metrics or 'achievements'.  We like Gretzky and his approach.  We are looking for where the puck is going not where it has been lingering and dwelling. 

In other words - do you want to place a bet on YT or Facebook or X or Tik Tok or Instagram or . . . . . . you get the point. 

Let's cut right to logistics and infrastructure.  Sure, various players can build or destroy infrastructure.  They can pivot.  Yup.  Video is pretty intense.  So, who has the video infrastructure now and with network effects?


Tik Tok

Ahhh, Tik Tok.  Let's address that.  We're not building on it.  It is laced with CCP spyware and there is a very decent chance most or all of it is banned in America.  If it is hacked down to something smaller than it is, will it be as effective?  Maybe.  However, in terms of building ON IT we are a hard pass.  Kind of like Ether.  Build on BTC not Ether. 

Who are the remaining candidates?  We all know the names.  Yes there are others like SnapChat or WhatsApp. 

X - Won't bet against Musk.  But, it simply does not appear to be able to catch and surpass YT anytime soon in terms of VIDEO specifically.  Plus, YT is adding what in effect are "tweets".  X may be wildly successful, but we don't see that being at the expense of YT in the context of video which is our focus.  Also - though YT has and does censor, it is not nearly as aligned to the topic of politics as X is.  We hate politics and find it VERY divisive. 

Facebook - Yesterday's news.  Facilitates a network for predators to attack children.  Toxic and counterproductive.  Pass.

Instagram - Too attention seeking for us.  Dominates with quick hit images no doubt.  Enter AI.  What's the difference?  Already outed as operating a database for predators going after kids.

Is there anything the above platforms CAN DO that YouTube CANNOT DO?  YT has a WordPress posting function.  YouTube allows you to post images and comment and like them.  YT rolled out a Tweet looking feature.  Game theory. 

Here are some other wild cards for consideration:

Syndication - With YT we can syndicate the videos to other platforms such as Rumble and Vimeo.  Free expansion.  You never know.

Reference Points - YT videos, depending on the topics, could be useful data for other sources such as Google Maps.  We already have traffic from for our YT channel about Boston

Wearables - We see a future where a device such as a pendant not only records 4K or better video like a GoPro (purchased by shopping at Walmart for BTC rewards on but it also uploads it to our YT channel and publishes. 


In terms of business and professional networking and higher quality business oriented engagement in general, YT will blow the doors off of the others mentioned.  Superficial contact, pics, chit chat, and political bickering will be superior on others such as FB and X. 

We're on YT.  Could be laughably wrong.  No doubt about that.  Could be right. 




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davidgyoung Verified Member

BTC since 2013. Investor. Entrepreneur. Always looking to learn and develop.

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