OneOf and Tezos Picking Up Momentum: Grammy Awards and Chief Keef X

Previously we opined on the growing momentum seen in Tezos contract calls, and the tangible use to address specific needs such as the emerging use case of voting.  There are a couple of other recent events surrounding the booming NFT marketplace and music services business OneOf that emphasize even more adoption growing around Tezos. 

OneOf just inked a three year deal to be the exclusive partner of the Grammy Awards for minting NFTs.  Say what you want about the Grammy Awards, but this is an eye opening arrangement that at a minimum will certainly bring more attention and activity to OneOf - which uses XTZ to operate the NFT business.  The Grammy Awards cites the work OneOf is doing to empower artists and the sustainable nature of the Tezos ecosystem in making this decision.

Furthermore, a Chief Keef X NFT presale sold out in 37 seconds on OneOf.  This further supports the contention that Tezos is picking up more momentum and adoption.  This isn't to say Ether is going away or not useful in aggregate for the movement and ecosystem of crypto.  Rather, our analysis and insight are merely trying to propose that a distinct and separate Layer 1 protocol that competes with Ethereum may in fact offer a lot of value creation opportunities for stakeholders over time.  The vast majority of Ethereum based chains are dressed up, white labeled, copycat versions of Ethereum.  It can't be emphasized enough that Tezos is it's own distinct protocol, much like Bitcoin and Ethereum. 

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