The Way of the Ninja - Leo's Story

By Lazy Bear | All in world | 18 May 2022

My nephew forgot his Ninja figurine at my place.

I got bored and decided to make a mini success story for him.

This is an ordinary Ninja. His name is Leo. And Leo has a dream. Real katanas to become a cool Ninja! He found a couple of great katanas on eBay. Even if they have already been used. But the path of the Ninja is harsh and this is enough for a start.
One problem.

Where can I find money? Leo has savings. As much as 10 cents. But this is not enough. And Leo will have to earn money himself. His first job: selling orange juice. And what came of it, see the photo report :)






if you like the article, then I will come up with a sequel :)

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Lazy Bear
Lazy Bear

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