Sense of humor - what Artificial Intelligence is capable of.

By Lazy Bear | All in world | 6 Mar 2023

I decided to test ChatGPT on the ability to write jokes. We all know that a robot cannot have a sense of humor, but I was more interested in what form the jokes would be presented in: duplication of existing jokes, retelling of existing jokes, or generating completely new jokes? And if they were unique jokes, how funny would they be?


To start with, I decided to choose joke topics that either do not exist or are very rare. For example, I asked for a joke to be generated about a raccoon.


Now let's try a joke about a koala.


And the third attempt: a joke about a heron.


The chat thought for a long time and... just substituted another character into the first joke.


The jokes turned out to be unique but not original. Or maybe I just don't have a sense of humor. In any case, it was an interesting experience.


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Lazy Bear
Lazy Bear

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