Creadas con I.A. - Memento Mori

Created with AI

By Andres Lopera | ALArte | 15 Jan 2025

Artificial Intelligence poses a challenge to humanity. Also in the visual arts.

Doesn't AI hate us? The human being exists in the "prompt-poem" that we introduce and absorbs us, to return our imagination magnified in the ideal of the language model.

If the house of the human being is language, the temple is the body, where the essence that transcends the moment and the awareness of transience resides. MEMENTO MORI.

On the classical Latin expression "Memento mori" which generally translates to "Remember that you will die" on Wikipedia:

Creadas con IA - Memento Mori

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Andres Lopera
Andres Lopera

Arts & Life. Bitcoin. Colombia. LATAM


Andrés Lopera. Praxis Vital. Taller de Artes.

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