Access Protocol (ACS) Airdrop

CoinGecko Access Protocol (ACS) Airdrop Coming February 15th

If you took advantage of the CoinGecko 'Candies' reward for the Access Protocol (ACS) airdrop that Publish0x user cryptosensei originally alerted us to in mid-December, then you should be happy to hear that the airdrop is finally dropping tomorrow, February 15th! Here's what we know so far:

Access Protocol Official Channels and Detailed Information

The latest information was released on February 13th on Access Protocol's Medium article. The admin team on Access Protocol's Discord channel are also actively answering questions from users. Finally, Access Protocol is hosting a launch AMA on Twitter Spaces at 12:45pm CST today, February 14th.

Access Protocol Information for Solana Wallets

Below is a quick rundown of what you'll need to add the ACS token to your Solana-compatible wallet. (There are some restrictions as to which Solana wallets can be used - check in with the admins on Discord if you have any concerns.)

  • Network: Solana
  • Token address: 5MAYDfq5yxtudAhtfyuMBuHZjgAbaS9tbEyEQYAhDS5y
  • Name: Access Protocol
  • Symbol: ACS
  • Digits (if needed): 6

Depending on the wallet you used to claim the airdrop, you may need a little SOL in order to add the token to your account. Additionally, the ACS Discord admin team has advised users that a bit of SOL will also be needed to cover gas fees when claiming staking rewards as well.

Access Protocol Airdrop Claim and Staking App

Additionally, it looks like airdrop claimants will need to login to the Access Application linked in the Medium announcement article. This link is not yet live, but should be available starting tomorrow, February 15th.

Update 2/15/23: It seems the Access Application site will be for users to see their staked tokens, claim staking rewards, and to interact with projects associate with Access Protocol. More info after launch.

CoinGecko Access Protocol Airdrop FAQs

CoinGecko has also released a post answering common questions about the Access Protocol airdrop. If you have concerns about your drop, need to change your wallet address, etc., you can follow the instructions within to open a support ticket with CoinGecko directly.

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Valdyr is a "crypto-curious" blogger living in Texas with her husband and their ancient dachshund, Henry. When she's not working as an audio/visual technician or stagehand, you'll frequently find her traveling, hiking or enjoying a good craft beer. For more reading, check out


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