6 FREE Ways to Earn Bitcoin

6 FREE Ways to Earn Bitcoin

If you're on the search to earn cryptocurrencies, you may be looking for opportunities to earn specific coins or tokens for your portfolio. Welcome to my first post in my new blog series focusing on ways to earn by specific individual cryptocurrencies: this week's article is on the one, the only...wait for it...Bitcoin!

Disclaimer: this post contains some affiliate links which may give a small payout to the author and/or a bonus to new users who may choose to use apps or services mentioned. Please consider using these links to help support this blog series!

1. Coin Hunt World!

My number one earner of Bitcoin (and cryptocurrency in general) is from the mobile game CoinHuntWorld! CHW is available on both Android and iPhone (though for iPhone you'll need to get a TestFlight slot) and has a similar game mechanic to games like Pokemon Go or Wizards United. Basically, you interact with the game as you move around in real life - interact with vaults and answer trivia, and earn crypto.

CHW currently offers rewards in Bitcoin and Ethereum. While you can't control which coin you'll receive, even moderately active players can meet the payout threshold of $10 every few weeks or so.

Want more details? Check out my recent in-depth review of CoinHuntWorld!

2. CoinPayU & Article

CoinPayU (and their writing platform, Article) has become another one of my most profitable crypto earning platforms. CoinPayU consistently offers enough rewards from daily faucets and ad views for me to make a claim in many of their crypto options about every week or so on their own. But with the addition of Article's currently weekly campaigns, my earnings have dramatically increased - including the ability to cash out with the higher threshold option of Bitcoin.

Winning posts on Article earn anywhere from 10,000 to 40,000 sats, so it's become extremely easy to meet the current 11,000 sats threshold to claim Bitcoin from CoinPayU most every week!

3. Cointiply

I haven't done a full review of Cointiply yet, because I like to have a successful cash-out of each app or site I use before I make recommendations. While Cointiply has lower cash-out thresholds for other altcoins, I decided to wait until I could make a claim for Bitcoin - especially because Cointiply is one of the few faucets that offer Bitcoin cash-outs with NO fees.

just received my first $5.00 payout from Cointiply this past week, so I'm happy to report that while this faucet took me a little longer than others to cash out, it was well worth the wait - especially for the fee-less Bitcoin deposit!

4. Bling Games

If you're already playing standard smartphone games like Solitaire, Sudoku, Match-3 games, etc., then be sure to check out the options from Bling Financial. The games are exactly what you would expect - except that you make a little bit of crypto in exchange for all those ads you're already seeing.

You'll need a Coinbase Exchange account to cash out from Bling Games, and you can choose between Bitcoin and Ethereum. For more information, check out my recent in-depth review.

5. FaucetCrypto

While FaucetCrypto isn't as lucrative as, say, CoinPayU, it's still a faucet site that pays out a reasonable amount of crypto versus the time spent on the faucet and PTC ads. (I spend relatively less time on this site than others - only rolling the singular faucet once an hour, and completing roughly 15-20 PTC ads per day.) Like many faucet sites, there are other cryptocurrency payout options with lower thresholds - but if you're really focused on Bitcoin, this can be a good, low-fee option to add some sats to your portfolio. 

6. CryptoWord

While Bling Games are all tied to a single user account and let you choose between payment in Bitcoin and Ethereum, there's another crypto game provider, Vweeter, with games that are coin-specific. For Bitcoin, check out CryptoWord - a simple word search game that pays Bitcoin directly to your Coinbase Exchange account.


Are there other ways you're earning free Bitcoin that we should know about? If so, let me know in the comments (referral links encouraged!) so that I can include them in my future reviews!

Disclaimer: an earlier version of this post appeared on Article.

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Valdyr is a "crypto-curious" blogger living in Texas with her husband and their ancient dachshund, Henry. When she's not working as an audio/visual technician or stagehand, you'll frequently find her traveling, hiking or enjoying a good craft beer. For more reading, check out www.laurahofford.com/blog/

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Entertainment Technology Specialist. Digital Marketer. Crypto-curious. Avid hiker. Beer aficianado. Blogger. Muralist. Dachshund mom. Opinions are my own. Read my personal blog at www.laurahofford.com/blog/

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