The Thick Red Line  in the CryptoSphere, Which side of the line are you on?

The Cryptosphere's 'THICK' Red Line.., Which side of the line are you on ?

First off, this is not a political question.

To be sure the #Cryptosphere has created some really incredible innovations which have benefited human kind in  many weird and wonderful ways, which go WAY Way beyond just 'fintech'  innovation generally.

The really BIG question underlying the above THICK Red line question looks like this:

How are you, the investor, taking advantage of these new crypto innovations on the right side of the THICK red Line?

Now that is an open ended question with many answers,  answers which will be couched in both personal, business and community terms in various mixes for sure.

Personally, I am a pragmatic "for profit philanthropist", when it makes sense, and will help out in the local community in various ways when I can and I have the means

Otherwise, my priorities, which I suspect are similar to lot of people on this planet are family first, extended family and friends second in that order, but that is just me.


Let's take a look at the Crypto Innovations I see on the right side of the THICK Red Line:


Proof of History- PoH

Crypto's most recent innovation of huge value imo has been  #PoH Proof of History or Time, take your pick, from Solana. Married to #ERC20 smart Contracts, PoH ensures in order trading and clearance/settlement of transactions in a fair way that is automated without 'middleman'  shenanigans subverting either process. Thee innovation ends there though, in that,  PoH is a #Solana contained innovation, so its not really "Free to Share" open source.


Distributed Proof of Stake dPoS

Distributed Proof of Stake also holds promise, provided the Altcoin or #DEFI Smart Contract governance are in place. There are some notable big name Cryptos and many smaller alt coin plays which have dPoS as there "Center piece" function.  A  fair , high count distribution of stake supporting payment settlement each round(epoch) where the 'staker nodes' are well distributed through the country and globe is a good model. Even better is the #dPoS implementation of Consensus which can support any manner of system node size and speed, mobile phone included.


Proof of Work- PoW in several flavours..

Bitcoin underpins the entire CryptoSphere as we know it today with proof of work. Often a stopping off point for puposes of echanging back and forth between #FIAT, Stablecoins and upstream Altcoins of value, even  for #Ethereum. That said the cost of maintaining  Bitcoin as the cornerstone of crypto as a secure transaction settlement networks. I personally am still a fan of the #IOTA #PoW mode for adding approved transactions to their DAG leading branch, it's low energy consumption get's my vote. That said IOTA is anything but in production form, which leave the door open for others to innovate/imorve on what IOTA has created in their PoW implementation.


Smart Contracts, the #Leash we humans need to control the Application and Use of AI/ML. 

Yes  Smart Contracts imo, are a very good automated way  for us  HUMANS "We the People" to reign in  the  immoral current abuses of AI/ML  which describes  those who use  AI/ML without the best interests of "We the People in Mind".

Simply think of what happened to #LUNA as AI/ML powered Crypto Order Routers were left to their own devices and destroyed that crypto and a lot of investor positions in no shorter order.

AI/ML on its own is an extremely useful tool when its managed by those that have a conscious considerate of others generally and the world and large. That said, speculators don't fit into this description of a benevolent soul.

Putting a #Leash on AI 


Where do we go next in the Cryptosphere?

There are many other innovations for sure in the Cryptosphere on the right side of the THICK Red Line I posit in this post.

Most of us as investors tend not to think about this line in Crypto until the whole CryptoSphere comes under scrutiny because of finiancial losses incurred.

Let's face it, no investor wants to be on the receiving end of what happened to Luna.

That said there are much bigger darker, incorporated forced in play who really don't give a shite about the small investor,  the SMB and Main Street.

So please study the elements in the CryptoSphere posited above and consider which side of that line you want to be on.

I posit a 'non-political shift" to the right of the line is generally a good thing, and that is what crypto developer communities should be focused on to make this world a more habitable place.

Otherwise expect BIS, the Big Banks, and Big Biz to use CBDCs to perpetuate the FIAT nightmare  Money Printing Machine which is eating your buying power every second, making you poorer.

That's all for now

Stay safe and on the right side of this Thick Red Line if you are looking to really help changes this world for the better,


TK over and out ;)














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Thunderbolt Kid Observations Report: I educate, offer tips, forecasts re: tech & people drivers "under the hood" in the cryptosphere. Digital Interstate IBCs, Autonomi Fan TKO Fans can also send SOL to my Solcial Wallet here 5cfZuDrQj4ojWs9uorwig7jAX93

50% Big Losses on Power Grid EveryWhere! The Fix.
50% Big Losses on Power Grid EveryWhere! The Fix.

Grid can mean many things to many people, Power Grid, Money Grid, etc.. I comment on Grid networking evolution, IoT and related crypto, Some Wind Energy related thoughts focused on Energy & Finance networks, and their fix-> cryptocurrencies & distributed public permission-less ledgers like #IOTA with a DAG based ledger called #Tangle plus I occasionally also cover private permissioned blockchain ledgers like Hyperledger and PowerLedger which are imo a good fit with IoT/Grid tech

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