3air announces partnership with MasterBlox



3air is excited to announce that we have partnered up with MasterBlox, a Blockchain/DeFi incubator based in Portugal! Together, we will be working to grow the awareness and impact of 3air in the cryptosphere.

With MasterBlox's experience and extensive network in the crypto space, we are confident that we will be able to reach new heights and deliver even more value to our community. We look forward to working together and building something great.

"3air has a unique approach to bringing blockchain to individuals in Africa. We’re glad to support 3air as a purpose-driven project at this important stage of their presale." - Carlos Prada, CEO at MasterBlox, says

3air is currently gearing up to our public presale on March 31, so stay tuned for more updates as we continue to grow and develop.


About MasterBlox


MasterBlox is a Blockchain/DeFi incubator based in Portugal. Leveraging their experience and network in crypto, the team acts as a one-stop shop for any project in the cryptosphere that is looking to grow its community, raise funds and extend its outreach.



3air is a decentralized telecom platform connecting people of Africa with broadband. Please visit 3air.io for more information.


(content reposted by a project enthousiast from 3air.io with permission of 3air.io)


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3air-Limitless connectivity. Unlimited potential.
3air-Limitless connectivity. Unlimited potential.

With its proprietary technology 3air brings affordable, high-speed, and stable broadband internet, digital TV, and IP telephony to the under-connected people and businesses in developing countries.

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