Earn up to €100 in Bitcoin - The SwissBorg Rewards Program

By Iagodeft | Zion | 21 Sep 2020

What is Swissborg?

SwissBorg is the first blockchain-based secure wealth management platform, aimed at simplifying the process of crypto investments, integrating with major digital asset exchanges and featuring community-based ownership. They also have a mobile version called “Wealth App” which is available for both iOS and Android platforms (see below).

The SwissBorg Rewards Program: Your Ticket To Free Bitcoin


The process is very simple:

  • Join Swissborg through my referral link: https://join.swissborg.com/r/iagoG3CM
  • Download Wealth app for Android or iOS;
  • Once onboarded to the Wealth app, make a deposit in crypto or fiat, worth the equivalent of at least 50;
  • Me and you receive a ticket that can be worth up to 100 in Bitcoin;
  • Scratch it and get the price! 
  • Share your referral link with others. Each time you invite a friend both of you will be rewarded.

You can get up to €100 per ticket and you can test your luck as many times as you want because you can invite more than one friend and each time both of you will be rewarded.  

Why did my rewards bonus not show up?

There are a few possible reasons:

  • Your friend didn’t pair his phone number;
  • Your friend could have signed up after pairing his phone number with another referral link;
  • Your friend didn’t pass the KYC or not completed the requirement yet.

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