AMA Highlights - Zilliqa and Brillion on Real-World Assets and Zilliqa 2.0

By Zilliqa | Zilliqa Official Blog | 18 Dec 2024

Zilliqa and Brillion recently hosted a joint AMA session which brought the two teams together to discuss their expanded partnership in the context of the upcoming launch of Zilliqa 2.0. 

The discussion delved into the nature of their strategic partnership and explored the potential use cases for Brillion's real-world asset infrastructure on the new Zilliqa 2.0 network. 

The panel featured Zilliqa Head of Research Zoltan Fazekas and Brillion CEO Nibras Stiebar-Bang. 

Read on for the key highlights:

Zilliqa 2.0 Unlocked for All

Zilliqa 2.0 represents a complete rebuild of the existing protocol rather than a simple upgrade, Zoltan explained. 

He said the Zilliqa team has designed a completely new protocol that focuses on scalability, accessibility, and real-world usability.

One major milestone has already been reached with the migration of Zilliqa 1.0’s entire blockchain history to a new proto-mainnet, marking the final step before the chain’s transition to Zilliqa 2.0 mainnet.

Zoltan also outlined upcoming innovations such as smart accounts and native cross-chain communication, which will streamline user interactions and enable dApps to communicate seamlessly across networks. 

With these advancements, Zilliqa aims to provide an environment where blockchain complexities are abstracted away from end-users, paving the way for mainstream adoption.

Real-World Asset Integration with Brillion

Brillion’s CEO Nibras Stiebar-Bang shared the platform's vision of becoming an “all-in-one financial hub”, enabling users to hold, stake, and invest in real-world and digital assets with ease. 

Nibras explained that their goal is to make Web3 as simple as logging into a centralised exchange while ensuring users retain full custody over their funds.

One of Brillion’s standout features is its upcoming AI-powered agents, which will offer tailored recommendations and insights to users. These agents will help individuals understand the market, identify opportunities, and eventually, execute trades based on personal risk preferences.

Brillion’s commitment to simplicity aligns perfectly with Zilliqa’s vision. Zoltan emphasised that most users don’t care about chains or networks—they just want to invest and use apps easily. Brillion’s approach simplifies this experience while retaining decentralisation.

Creating Cross-Chain Opportunities

Interoperability remains a key theme of Zilliqa 2.0, with native cross-chain broker infrastructure and expanded bridge solutions already being developed. 

Zoltan noted how Zilliqa is integrating bridges to Cardano and other ecosystems, enabling seamless cross-chain transactions and opening up new opportunities for liquidity and real-world asset trading.

Nibras explored how Brillion’s infrastructure, combined with Zilliqa’s robust upgrades, positions both platforms to facilitate the tokenisation and trade of real-world assets. 

This growing market will allow users to interact with digital representations of tangible assets, making Zilliqa a hub for innovative financial applications.

Looking Ahead

The AMA highlighted how Zilliqa 2.0 and Brillion’s solutions will complement each other, offering users an intuitive, interoperable, and scalable blockchain experience. 

As the teams continue to innovate, users can look forward to an ecosystem that bridges the gap between complex blockchain technologies and real-world usability.

For listeners eager to engage further, a special quest with rewards has been launched to celebrate this partnership—marking just the beginning of exciting developments to come.

Head to X Spaces to listen to the full recording of the AMA.

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Zilliqa was launched in 2017, when our founders created a high-throughput public blockchain designed to scale thousands ​of transactions per second.

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