Justin Sun Elected as Prime Minster of Liberland: A New Frontier for Blockchain Governance

By ZeroRequiem | Zero Ex | 5 Nov 2024

Liberland’s recent election of blockchain pioneer Justin Sun as Prime Minister marks a groundbreaking step toward realizing a governance model rooted in decentralization and digital sovereignty.

Officially known as the Free Republic of Liberland, the nation has consistently advocated for freedom, minimal government, and the use of blockchain technology.

With Sun’s appointment as Prime Minister, Liberland signals its commitment to a fully digital society, placing blockchain at the heart of its political system.




On October 6th, the Free Republic of Liberland announced the results of their Congress Elections, with Justin Sun emerging victorious as the Prime Minister, appointed by President Vít Jedlička.

Liberland’s Congress Elections introduced blockchain voting, creating a transparent, immutable voting record—an example of Liberland’s approach to embracing technology as a means of reducing centralized power.

From voting processes to legal frameworks, Liberland aims to minimize traditional bureaucracy by automating state functions via decentralized applications (dapps) and smart contracts.

The Free Republic of Liberland is the first nation to enact blockchain-based governance and build their legislative process entirely on Polkadot’s Substrate framework, with a proof-of-stake system that ensures transparency and decentralized control.

By establishing a digital-first administration, Liberland envisions a system where citizens interact directly with the state, engaging through blockchain-based tools rather than intermediaries.


Established in 2015, Liberland is a micronation located on a small stretch of unclaimed land on the western bank of the Danube River between Croatia and Serbia, known as Gornja Siga. 

The fledgling country, totaling a mere 1,700 acres, was founded by Czech libertarian Vít Jedlička; who also serves as the country's President.

The unclaimed territory is the byproduct of a few factors that include the breakup of Yugoslavia into multiple countries, and the course of the Danube River changing throughout the years as a result of modern hydraulic engineering. 

Despite its small size, Liberland has grand ambitions to gain international recognition and legitimacy on the world stage.




Justin Sun, the founder of TRON and a major figure in the cryptocurrency world, sees this role as an opportunity to test blockchain’s potential in real-world governance.

“This is more than a governance experiment,” he explained in a recent statement. “Liberland represents a new vision of how blockchain can reshape national identity and statecraft itself.”

Sun’s vision for Liberland extends beyond cryptocurrency, positioning blockchain as a platform to build a transparent society that incentivizes participation.



A few days after the election concluded, Justin Sun made a lengthy post on X that effectively served as his Inaugural Address. 

In his post, the newly elected Prime Minister of Liberland paid homage to prominent libertarian figures—Argentine President Javier Milei and former U.S. Congressman Ron Paul—who have led the way with their political philosophy. 

Sun went on to reference Elon Musk in his post stating "Musk shares the belief that individual freedom and minimal government interference are essential for fostering creativity, progress, and prosperity."


"As Prime Minister, I aim to actively promote the idea of small government not only within Liberland but also as a model for the world. Our success can inspire other nations to embrace libertarian principles, demonstrating that a minimalist government can bring stability and prosperity without excessive regulation or coercion. By upholding this approach, we will further Liberland's status as a beacon of freedom and individual autonomy.

What makes Liberland truly unique is that it is the first nation whose relationship with its citizens is based not on bloodlines or geographic boundaries, but on shared principles and values. There are no forced obligations, no taxes, and no mandates imposed on its citizens. Everything is built on voluntary participation and mutual respect, which is how I believe all governments should operate—if not now, then certainly in the future.

Liberland stands as a powerful example of what the relationship between a state and its citizens can be, and I am committed to furthering this vision during my time as Prime Minister."

- H.E. Justin Sun, Prime Minister of Liberland


Supporting Justin Sun is a newly elected Congress with an array of expertise in blockchain, technology, and politics:

  • Evan Luthra - entrepreneur and angel investor
  • Jillian Godsil - award-winning journalist and Web3 advocate
  • Ivan Pernar - former Member of Croatian Parliament
  • Michal Ptáčník - Minister of Justice of Liberland
  • Navid Saberin - Minister of Finance of Liberland
  • Dorian Stern Vukotić - Tech Lead of the Liberland Blockchain team


Sun and his Congress will seek to position Liberland as a leader in blockchain-based governance, advocating for global acceptance of its digital-first model.

It is important to note that Liberland's Congress Elections are held every three months, with a goal of ensuring a strong connection between citizens and elected representatives. 




The Republic of Liberland’s journey with Justin Sun at the helm could redefine both blockchain’s utility and the possibilities of statehood.

As the world watches, Liberland is not just testing new technologies—it is exploring a reimagined concept of governance.

If successful, Sun’s vision for Liberland could become a beacon for the future of nation-building in the digital age.


Have you heard of The Republic of Liberland before?

Would you ever consider living in Liberland? Why or why not?

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