Zero to Hero ~ Vote (April)

By ZeroRequiem | Zero to Hero | 3 Apr 2023



Hey Peeps!


It is time to Vote for Zero to Hero's Crypto Reward for April!


Voting is extremely easy:

1. Comment your favorite Cryptocurrency on this post. 

2. Last month's Crypto Reward of the Month cannot be selected again, so that means votes for Polygon (MATIC) will NOT be counted.

3. Leave your comment by 11:59pm UTC on Monday, April 10th.

4. Congrats! You just voted!

5. Please consider Liking and Tipping the post to get this trending, and we grow that Monthly Reward!

- OPTIONAL - Follow me on MEDIUM to earn one extra entry in the Giveaway. Leave your Medium username in the comments below if you completed this step!


The Past Crypto Rewards of the Month and the respective Winners:


Take charge of which Crypto Reward you want and VOTE now!


So what exactly is the Zero to Hero Giveaway?

  • It is a monthly giveaway on Publish0x, where I have committed to giving back 25% of my monthly Publish0x earnings to One Lucky Follower. 
  • Every month, my followers get to vote on the Crypto Reward of the Month. 
  • The Crypto that receives the most votes, will determine the crypto that the Zero to Hero Winner will be paid out in. 
  • I normally make a Post for the Voting process in the first couple days of the month, and followers have until the 10th to get their votes in. 
  • If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments!


If you are curious how the Winner is selected, check out this video:


Remember that the more you like and tip my Articles, the more that will go towards the Monthly Giveaway Reward! 


If you have made it this far and enjoyed the article, please consider hitting the Thumbs Up 👍 button and Follow to stay updated on my posts!

Don't forget to Tip and earn your rewards, as it's completely free! 


Check out my Socials:


See ya!


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ZeroRequiem Verified Member

Writer ✍️ Crypto • Finance • Gaming • Politics 🟢 Follow me:

Zero to Hero
Zero to Hero

The Community Rewards Program that selects 1 Lucky Follower to win 25% of my monthly Publish0x earnings.

Send a $0.01 microtip in crypto to the author, and earn yourself as you read!

20% to author / 80% to me.
We pay the tips from our rewards pool.