The best RAM that don't brake the bank.      

So I'll start by saying that RAM lone will not help you mine faster crypto, however it will help your computer work more seamlessly while you are mining. If you already have a high performance gaming PC then you may find you are already set up to mine for Crypto with little to no investment.


What is RAM for ?

RAM is a computer component and is part of the storage system. So you're computer has a main storage unit commonly being an SSD or HDD, this storage can be anything from 500gb all the way up to some very large HDD or SSD's at 8tb and even more if needed.

    Ram explained and my suggestions

Here is a SSD and an HDD I recommend:

https://amzn.to/3ijsyE2 This is an HDD or Hard Disk Drive. This example is a 2tb hard drive and is at a price that wont brake the bank.

https://amzn.to/2VhZST4 This is one of the best SSD or Solid State Drives available. Its from Samsung. Although SSD's are more expensive, but if you are a gamer then an SSD is by far your best option. If you have ps5 you have SSD.


Now back to the reason you are reading... RAM. So if you are a gamer, video editor or graphics designer then RAM is possibly one of the most important component's of your computer. Let me explain why...

RAM stands for Random Access Memory meaning its job, put simply is to hold amounts of random memory. The RAM is much faster at giving and receiving information, look at it as a space that your computer will send data it expects to need again soon. Hence it can pull that data back much faster then it can getting the info from your Hard drive. RAM will make your computer run faster while doing specific activity's like gaming, website building, graphic design and more high data driven tasks. The reason is of course that it pulls the data faster hence loading the data faster.

Unfortunately to get you're PC build to work at the crazy speeds you see on gamers Youtube channels and others of the sort you need more then just a large amount of RAM. I will put together an article in the next few weeks explaining what's needed to create an unstoppable gaming machine, feel free to subscribe to my email list bellow and you will be emailed the link upon the publication.




This depends on what you use your computer for, if you exclusively use it as a gaming pc for instance then id suggest at least a 8gb RAM card. Most video game's recommend the 8gb, but as you may expect most game publishers suggest a higher then needed amount. I still recommend a minimum of the 8gb though as if you are running a 4gb RAM for instance you will often find that you're computer will struggle with loading Youtube videos and things like streaming are just simply not worth it with a small amount of RAM.


If you spend time working with graphics design for other very demanding tech then you are definitely going to need a minimum of 16gb RAM, but in my opinion id go with a 32gb RAM. It just makes everything run so much smoother.


Bellow I will link my suggestions. I will only recommend things we have used ourselves. If you wish to use these links it will help me to keep publishing this information for free so I would appreciate it but if you can find a better deal else where please do.

This is a good option with 5 stars on amazon. I found it to be easy to install. Just as a tip, you can purchase two of these and get the 16gb as often a 16gb ram comes in 2 sticks anyway. You can just save some hard earned money by buying a 16gb set.


This is an 8gb RAM card but more on a budget.


  For 16gb (The amount most people recommend) I suggest these two:

https://amzn.to/3jaFrQ5        https://amzn.to/3A6Axup   

Then if you are serious about RAM and need it for more demanding tasks you should get 32gb worth of RAM.   https://amzn.to/3ymtc9n   

These are just my recommendations from personal use and from friends and colleague's of mine that have used them. You should feel free to shop around and find the right RAM for you.

Although RAM is crucial for your computers speed it is not the only component needed for lightning fast operations.


How much RAM is needed for gaming ?


If you are looking exclusively for a gaming pc then these are what you will need to play in specific video quality. So if you want to play in standard 1080p you will have a great experience with just a 4gb RAM (although as stated before you will struggle to do anything else simultaneously)


If you are looking to game in 1440p then you are going to need 6gb of RAM. If you want to play in 4k then you will need to install at least 8gb.

Of course now 8k gaming is looking like it will take off in the next few years, I'd recommend shelling out to get a minimum of 16gb just to future proof yourself.


Thank you for taking time to read this, we hope it helped you make a decision. If there is anything else we could inform you on please consider sending in a message and we will get back to you asap.

IF YOU FOUND THIS HELPFUL CONSIDER VISITING https://connar199777.wixsite.com/tech-n-crypto 

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I am a Crypto enthusiast and have been since 2014, i have joined this platform for two reasons: 1. to share the limited knowledge i do have. 2. to learn more about crypto and tech. 3. to help get crypto as well known as we all know it will become.

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