How to Earn Free IoTeX Token (while stock lasts) | With Quiz Answer

By Kate S | Adventures To The Moon | 1 Aug 2021

Are you aware of Coinmarketcap Learn & Earn Campaign? If not, you’re in for the treat — earning some token after going for 4 videos and answer a quiz with a few questions. However, you must pass the quiz & this campaign ends on 2021.08.08 (23:59:59 UTC)

What is IoTeX

IoTeX was founded as an open-source platform in 2017 with a vision for the Internet of Trusted Things, a decentralized ecosystem where humans and machines can interact with guaranteed security and trust. They are on a mission to ensure everyday people and businesses can own and control their devices, as well as the data/value they generate. By connecting the physical and digital worlds, IoTeX will democratize access to machine-backed DApps, assets, and services to deliver value to users and fuel the new machine economy.

IoTeX Team is headquartered in Silicon Valley and is backed by a global team of 30+ top tier engineers, research scientists, and operators from Google, Facebook, Uber, Bosch, and more. 

How to get started?

Before you can start, you need to register your email address with Coinmarketcap, and have a Binance user ID. Once you are ready, then head to this page to start the lessons and finally the quiz.

Q: What is the mission of IoTeX?

A: Building the connected world

Q: What are the four core technology pillars of the IoTeX platform?

A: Blockchain, Decentralized Identity, Real World Data Oracles, Secure Hardware

Q: What can be done with the IOTX token?

A: All of the above

Q: As a result of IoTeX’s Burn-Drop tokenomics, the total supply of the IOTX token is?

A: Deflationary over time

Q: IoTeX envisions a future where users can own and control their devices, as well as the data/value they generate. What do we call our vision?

A: The Internet of Trusted Things

Q: What are the first blockchain networks that IoTeX has built cross-chain bridges to?

A: Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon

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Kate S
Kate S

I am a crypto, finance, and technology enthusiast. Spend my free time trading, fixing bugs, enhancing apps for my clients. Do check me out on too & also @wienterd & @thelunarmagic on IG if you want to share some cute stuff :)

Adventures To The Moon
Adventures To The Moon

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