HI Dollars - a free, low-friction way of earning crypto with daily rewards

By willemvzyl | WVZ Articles | 19 Nov 2021


Earlier this year a friend told me about HI (https://bit.ly/gethidollars), and I signed up for their Telegram bot in September - since then I've earned 65 HI via the daily rewards, equivalent to more or less $68 USD.

(Full disclosure: this article contains links for referral code "willemvzyl", if you sign up for HI I'll earn an extra daily reward at no cost to you. This article is not financial advice, it just reflects my opinion and is only intended for entertainment & educational purposes.)

At the moment HI has Telegram & WhatsApp bots, they're planning to release Facebook Messenger and other bots soon, and they recently released their mobile apps for both Android & iOS. As a registered user you're able to claim daily rewards of 1 HI Dollar (roughly equivalent to $1.00 USD at the time of writing this article), these rewards are kept in reserve and pay out to your HI Wallet one year after you claim them.

Founded by Stefan Rüst (the former CEO of Bitcoin.com) and Sean Rach (former CMO of Crypto.com), the core concept behind HI is to be a simple and secure, not-for-profit digital bank.

HI aims to achieve this by leveraging blockchain technology (they're an ERC20 token, and also available on the Binance Smart Chain), charging no fees or markups, enabling instant transactions, and offering great interest rates on savings. Via the HI apps or bots you'll be able to send, save, earn, and convert value between different tokens, coins, and fiat currencies - they have a detailed roadmap and whitepaper on their website.

HI tokens can be traded for BUSD in PancakeSwap and USDC on Uniswap, and with more than 1.5 million members as well as excellent recent growth, I think they'll only be improving more and more in the years to come:


If you're looking for a low-friction long-term investment, then in my opinion spending a couple of seconds every day claiming your HI Dollar rewards is well worth the effort.

Be sure to use referral code "willemvzyl" when you sign up!

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