Venezuelan Navy Vessel Sinks After Ramming Cruise Ship

Venezuelan navy patrol boat "Naiguata" sank shortly after ramming the Portuguese-flagged RCGS Resolute cruise ship operated by the Columbia Cruise Services near La Tortuga island. The collision left the cruise ship, which was purpose-built for polar expeditions with a reinforced hull for cruising in icy waters, with only minor damage.  

According to a statement from Columbia Cruise Services, the RCGS Resolute was carrying out routine engine maintenance on international waters over 13 nautical miles (24 kilometers) away from La Tortuga when the Naiguata radioed the RCGS Resolute, questioning its intentions and ordering the captain to follow it to a port on Isla Margarita for violating the nation's international waters. When the RCGS Resolute was contacting the head office of Columbia Cruise Services, the Naiguata fired warning shots, approached the starboard side of the ship, and rammed the cruise ship to try to turn the ship towards Venezuelan water. After the ram, the Naiguata was damaged and rapidly took in water. The RCGS Resolute's operators say that the cruise ship remained in the area for over an hour to contact rescuers on the island of Curaçao. 351665157-76cb04b71aef356cc0edd757b33e25b2ee4df4736336eb9b0477f05ebca9f1dd.jpeg

Meanwhile, Venezuelan officials accuse the RCGS Resolute of "aggression and piracy on international waters", suspecting the cruise ship of "transporting mercenaries to attack military bases in Venezuela". Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino López accused the RCGS Resolute of ramming the Venezuelan patrol boat, hull number GC-23, and stated that all 44 crew of the Naiguata were rescued.   Note: The image used in this post is of the Naiguata patrol boat during sea trials. This was retrived By GFDL, CC BY-SA 3.0, from

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