Australian Police Make Record $104 Million Heroin Seizure

Australian police spokespeople announced the seizure of the largest heroin shipment ever intercepted in the nation with a street value worth about 140,000,000 Australian dollars (Equivalent to about 104,000,000 United States dollars). Authorities say that the seizure of the 451 kilogram (just under 1000 pounds) shipment was made at the Port of Melbourne on September 29th, 2021. The 1,290 packages of heroin was discovered in a container of ceramic tiles, and a Malaysian man was detained and charged with the import and attempted possession of a commercial quantity of a border-controlled drug.  


The Malaysian national appeared before the Melbourne Magistrates Court, and was remanded in custody. He is due to reappear in court in January of 2022. The maximum penalty for his charges in Australia is a lifetime prison sentence.


Australian police media outlets say that the record-breaking heroin shipment originated from Malaysia and was bound for an unnamed business located in Melbourne. Several locations were later raided by security forces but no additional updates have been provided yet.


NOTE: The images used in this article were retrieved on October 16th from a news release by the Australian Federal Police. the article can be found here: . All other images were retrieved from the public domain, and do not require attribution or citation for commercial purposes. 

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