The Replacement President Conspiracy

By MarvinScottMarvin | Wordplay Whatnot | 22 Dec 2022

Joe Biden hasn't lied when telling those stories about the things he alleges to have done. The stories are all true, even when contradictory to other stories he has told.

How is that possible?

Well, first you need to understand that there are infinite parallel dimensions in which there are infinite versions of Joe Biden. Yes, a multiverse of Bidens.

Our original Joe Biden is long dead. He died before the 2020 election and was replaced by another Joe Biden from a parallel dimension.

Multiple replacements have also died over the last three years. Covid has killed at least four of them. Blood clots have killed at least three. They just keep replacing him each time.

One problem with this is that history is different for each one and they have difficulty remembering the narrative for this dimension.

When he speaks extemporaneously he simply tells the true history as he remembers it from the other dimension.

So, yes, they brought in a Joe Biden who was a truck driver who didn't study law or get involved in politics. They brought in one Joe Biden who really did meet the discoverer of insulin.

Getting each replacement Joe Biden to stay on script is difficult. This is exacerbated by an even bigger problem, which is that the original version of Joe Biden from this dimension was the most intelligent version of them all.

They are having difficulty finding a version who is competent and can be coherent. Each replacement Joe Biden they bring in is less intelligent and more demented than the previous one.

Now you know what is going on and why he says those things with such conviction and certainty. He remembers his past accurately. He just doesn't remember where he is now and how he got here.


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Authentic biological human male. Based on a true story.

Wordplay Whatnot
Wordplay Whatnot

Poetry & prose. Self made mind of borrowed ideas. Word after word makes words, maybe sentences and even some sense. Wrote my first poem in 1982. Began to take my craft more seriously in 1992, but not too seriously. Been published a few times; Vim Magazine, Neon Geyser Porcelain Sky (Zeitgeist Press), 3 chapbooks. Editor of Spirit Caller Magazine. I've been invited to read my poems on KUNV, the Watt From Pedro Show, and Lollapalooza (Las Vegas, 1994). Featured in Las Vegas Weekly. Open mic host.

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