
Swissborg : Earn More | No Risk


Swiss Overachiever

My last Swissborg update was pretty mundane because bitcoin hasn't broken the 20K resistance at the time. At this moment the Swissborg community app is busy having holes to fill from the bitcoin surge to the now +27K. It's so beautiful how the bullrun took off, I didn't see it beforehand as a matter of fact I downplayed myself at 13/14K by selling. Now we are about 27 000% away from that sale in a whole different direction. I had to take the losses, regroup, recuperate and hit the bullrun a different way since my account was now gone. The real worth, so back up was this and the Swissborg, turns out it pays to have back up that can have your back when the world is playing hide and seek scam with you. Thank the Gods of decentralisation and everything blockchain


So I maxed out, the 10 000 points that I had on max, with the chance of losing it all on my backup but I thought I at least got faith in the newly broken grounds, retesting of resistances and solidifying of supports. And with the bitcoin, this thing is solid it's like nothing I've seen before it's all types of resilient, it gets broken by financial institutions and governments all over including other players and haters but this bit keeps popping back up. I saw it retest support as grounds to shoot off through whatever resistances lay up top.


On the other hand the dollar is losing so much trust, with the whole pandemic scam and all. It's like the system is about to cramble or something but they seem solid.

Bitcoin surge is the craze, as the whales I'm talking billions of billions being pumped from the dollar to the bitcoin. People are tired and we have the fun, in a day the surge would be +$1000, that's crazy. Take a look at what I mean.


When it surges, I chill. When it does the retests that when I hop in. This is a newly adopted make shift strategy that was a grieving point from my losses that proves itself. It sucks having to climb the bottom stairs again after all that hard-work but the principles stay the same, hard-work plus a bit of whatever you can add to the mix. I was ok using Swissborg as a gauge to tell me when to get in or out of a trade but now Swissborg is the trade. Let me show you.



It's the outcome of the bitcoin surge, all I did was slightly align my prediction with the momentum of the bit and what Elon was memeing all over the place. Surely we will hit 30K before  00:00:01.


The best thing about this Swissborg is that even without the Referrals you'd be just fine with the predictions plus the fact that it's bitcoin focused, little to no noise. Why then do we need the referral? Well there's always more to be had right, here I'll show you some more from this overachiever list.

https://www.swissborg.com/community-app-referralTo make it into the hall of fame to get that 250 CHSB you need the referrals, it's a deciding factor. As they always say no man's heart is an island and that we all need someone to lean on that kind of talk. So now I need you to win big with my code so that we both win. The world is really not about the win win so if you do get the win win you might as well take it right? I'm offering. 

https://www.swissborg.com/community-app-referral use this code QPEPZNQ

I appreciate it so much. 

It's really a lot of fun with all to gain on Swissborg account, how can I not, it's not totally free but it's worth the try. You put in your time, focus and energy, might as well get something out of it even if it's the basic feeling of accomplishing the right prediction. Oh by the way this is not trading. Lol. 


Love and light.

Bless up!

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