Earn BTC by Staking STX

Earn impressive return Staking STX (Stacks) in Xverse Wallet.

By MemeBull | WikiStacking | 19 Dec 2023


What is Stacks (STX) ?

Stacks is designed to bring smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps) to the Bitcoin network. It uses a unique consensus algorithm called Proof of Transfer (PoX), which leverages the security of the Bitcoin blockchain.

Did you know that with its current price ranging from $0.99 to $1.29, is it a good opportunity to stack some STX and get rewarded in Bitcoin.

Stacks Price Chart


How to stake STX in Xverse Wallet?

Step 1: Download the Xverse Wallet from Apple App Store or Google Play Store. You can also download it as a Chrome extension.

Xverse wallet

Step 2.  After you have successfully installed the apps, proceed with the registration procedure, and securely storing your secret key phrase. Losing this key phrase could mean losing all your funds.

Step 3. Now, you need to have minimum of 100 STX to stake. You can purchase the STX using the apps, or you can transfer from your CEXs such as Binance, KuCoin, Kraken etc.

Note that due to high network congestion experienced by the Bitcoin blockchain, your withdrawal may be delayed. The fastest way to get some STX is to purchase from the apps.

Step 4. Next, head over to the Staking option by clicking the icon with chart symbol.

Staking option

Step 5: Click on Start Stacking and your STX will go through the Staking process. Your rewards will be distributed after the end of every 2-week cycle.

Staking STX


Note: You can also stake STX in CEXs like Binance or KuCoin. 


*** If you're interested in learning more about staking different cryptocurrencies and earning passive income through staking, consider following my channel. Thank you! ***

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