Basic Attention token

How to Make money with Brave Browser?

Brave offers several ways to make money. So let’s talk about those.

  • Brave Ads: they will pay you to watch ads while using the browser.
  • Offering an Affiliate, a Program in which you can refer another user to download & install it & you will earn 5$ for each referral.
  • if you are Part of BAT publisher program users can tip you BAT tokens or tip yourself.
  • Brave Free Grants

BAT is the Cryptocurrency based Blockchain technology Following a Bitcoins Concept Making Financial transaction easier & introducing the Unusual project of decentralized revenue sharing platform.

Brave is the one of the promotional product of BAT which is helping to spread the awareness about this project although, They have a built-in BAT Wallet  in the brave browser.

1. Brave Ads

  • Open a new Brave browser window.
  • You can enable Brave rewards when you first run the browser. Click through the welcome screen’s setup cards. The final card contains an explanation of the ad model and opt-in settings.
  • You can also enable, disable, and customize Brave Rewards in the browser’s settings. To find these, click the Menu icon in the browser’s upper-right corner, then click the “Brave Rewards” tab in the Settings menu. Alternatively, you can type “brave://settings/” into your URL bar to jump directly to the menu.

Quảng cáo dũng cảm

2. Brave Affiliate Program

Creators can earn 5 USD in Basic Attention Tokens for qualified referrals that download brave using their referral code.

Step 1

After Downloading BraveSign up here to become a Creator. Verify your channel to receive a unique referral code. You can add your twitter account, Youtube Channel, Website or a twitch account.

Step 2

Spread your code on your social channels and within videos. 

Step 3

Your referral code payout status will be displayed in your Creator dashboard.

3. Free Brave Grants

Every user who installed Brave is also eligible to claim the free BAT. Free BAT grants are given out each month.

Step 1: Open a new Tab in Brave

If you don’t have Brave yet, consider supporting us by downloading it here with our promo link!

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Step 2: Opt-in to Rewards

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1) Click the BAT icon.
2) Select Join Rewards.

Step 3: Acknowledge Token Grant

After you select Join Rewards, the popup will dismiss. You’ll need to reopen the BAT notification window to acknowledge it.

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1) Click the BAT icon.
2) Select OK.

Step 4: Claim the Grant in the Reward Settings

These steps seemed a bit redundant, but don’t worry. We’re almost there!

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1) Click the BAT icon.
2) Select Reward Settings.

Step 5: Initiate the Claim

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1) Select CLAIM.

Step 6: Prove that you’re a human

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1) Click and hold down on the BAT logo.
2) Drag and drop it to the color triangle in the instructions.
Note: Sometimes, it will ask you to drag the logo to a different color triangle. Make sure you drag it to the right one!

Step 7: Token Grant Received

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1) This is where your Token Grant confirmation will appear.

Step 8: View BAT tokens in your Brave wallet

After you’ve claimed your token grant, you can open up your Brave wallet to see your BAT balance at any time!

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1) Click the BAT logo.
2) Observe your BAT balance.

Good luck, So thanks


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Why I chose Brave as my Chrome browser replacement

Readers of this august website may recall that a year ago, I lauded Firefox and its progress toward becoming a genuine alternative to Google’s dominant Chrome browser. As much as I liked where Firefox was going, however, I couldn’t stick with it over the long term. It wasn’t compatible with everything the way Chrome was, its extensions were different, and, for my way of using a browser, it was slower and less responsive. So I returned to Chrome after a few weeks of Firefox, but the urge to decouple

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