
Earn Obyte by supporting World Community Grid on your PC or Android device

For those that would like their computing resources to go towards something positive and useful rather than just generating heat, you may want to consider supporting humanitarian research through the World Community Grid. In the process, you can earn Obyte rewards in the process. Here is how to get set up.

Obyte was formerly known as Byteball. So, don't let the older photos confuse you.


EDIT* - I made a video to assist in the process. If you like the video, please subscribe, share, and like the videos. 

If you do not have an account at WCG you will want to create one here - WCG
This does not require you to join a different team like a few of the other crypto offerings do.
Make sure to go to your settings - https://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/ms/viewMyProfile.do and check the box to "display my data". This will allow your stats to be exported to 3rd parties.

After you have created the WCG account you will want to install the BOINC client. We have a couple How-to's based on what OS you have.

How to install BOINC on CENTOS 7 - https://hardforum.com/threads/centos-7-boinc-install-guides.1854569/
How to install BOINC on Windows and Ubuntu (go to post 11) - https://hardforum.com/threads/boinc-installation-walk-through.1768558/

To set up your account to receive Obyte, you need to go to https://byteball.org/#download and download the wallet app of your choice. For this tutorial, I'm using the Windows application.


Once the file is downloaded, the install is rather easy. Just open it up and click Next


Click Next again


Click Next again


If you want a shortcut, check the box. Click Next


Click Install


Wait for it to complete


Click Finish


The application should launch. Accept the terms


Choose how you want the data downloaded and click Continue


Click Continue


Click Get Started


Click the Chat tab at the bottom of the wallet


Select the "Bot Store" tab and locate the World Community Grid linking bot


Click on it and hit the huge ADD BOT button


Select your language


Now you need to change your user name at WCG to reflect the name the BOT gives you.
Whether you have an existing account at World Community Grid or not, the bot will give you a username. If you don't already have an account, create a new one here and be sure to use the username given by the bot. If you already have an account, go to "Settings" and click the "My Profile" button on the left. It will ask for your username and password before allowing you to change anything. When validated, you can change your username to that given by the bot.


In the wallet, click the link for Check my account. If it is successful it will tell you.


The bot will then ask which address you want rewards sent to. If you want rewards sent to the wallet that is active when entering the chat with the bot, simply click the three little dots at the bottom left and click "Insert my address".


For those that changed their WCG names just to get the reward will also want to take one more step to change it back. Go ahead and change the user name at WCG. Then come back to your wallet and click the Change Account Name link. Set it to your normal User Name and then click OK.




If you have any questions about BOINC or WCG, feel free to contact us in our forums here

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What is Volunteer Computing and why do it?
What is Volunteer Computing and why do it?

Volunteer computing (VC) is the use of consumer digital devices, such as desktop and laptop computers, tablets, and smartphones, for high-throughput scientific computing. Device owners participate in VC by installing a program that downloads and executes jobs from servers operated by science projects. You can read a paper by one of the most known developers for volunteer computing platforms here. - https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s10723-019-09497-9.pdf

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