's STX rewards can be withdrawn easily

By DimitarM | Welcome to my life | 18 Feb 2022

About 2 years ago there were a campaign within's users to earn the amount of ~10$ in STX(Stacks) coins - back then exactly 100 STX.

They can be found inside the wallet, but nobody can operate with them because of the lack of support from for STX at this point in time. If I remember correctly the STX was dropped to all users that had accounts there. 


That's a graphical error. The STX is just 100, not 1000. But that is not the important part. What I am here today to do is to show how you guys can extract those coins and do whatever you want with them.

The first step is to go to the official STX website. The link can be found on the Coinmarketcap's page for STX.


Click on the link and follow on the next page. There you need to look around and find a link for the official STX wallet - Hiro Wallet. It's a Chrome Plugin. Works also with Brave, CryptoTab, MS Edge, etc. Or eventually a desktop app. I prefer the browser extension. Once you find the link to it you will get here.


The next step is to download the wallet.


Once you install it and start it, you will be prompted to create an account or log in with a seed phrase. To continue you will need your seed from

For that, you need to log into your account and click the drop-down menu and select "security".


Then you are presented with 3 options. The last of which is to backup your private key. The IMPORTANT PART IS, never to show this to anyone.


Once you hit "Backup again" you will be warned and then you will see 2 pages with 6 words on each. Write them down with spaces between them. Should look something like that:

one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve

Once you get the seed you need to put it in the Hiro Wallet when you select the option to log in with a secret phrase. It will ask you to create a strong password for the wallet and at this point, you will be able to see the coins inside.

The wallet itself doesn't have that many options. I personally select the option to send my STX to my account in Binance. It's important to remember that when you are sending the STX you need both recipient's address and the MEMO number that the exchange will give you in order to be able to route your coins to your account:


From there if you go to your SPOT wallet you can use your STX to earn BITCOIN by using the exchange's Locked Stacking program.


Of course, that's NOT a get-rich scheme. It will give you some amount of BTC per month which for me is helpful when trying to get more and more Bitcoin.



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