Learn about The Graph & earn 10 GRT tokens - CoinMarketCap Earn quiz answers

By wantumeni | wantumeni | 6 Jul 2021

The Graph Learn & Earn campaign quiz will run from July 05th to July 14th.

The Graph

What is The Graph?

The Graph (GRT) is an indexing protocol for querying data for networks like Ethereum and IPFS, powering many applications in both DeFi and the broader Web3 ecosystem.

Before taking the quiz, make sure to learn about The Graph through these 3 lessons. Even though I provide the answers, the whole purpose is to learn something new:

  • What is The Graph?
  • Organizing open data as a Curator
  • Securing the network as a Delegator


How to take the quiz?

Make sure to have a CoinMarketCap account and a Binance account (KYC verified) as you will need a Binance user ID to complete the quiz. The tokens will be dropped into your GRT Spot account. 

Once you're all set, you can now take the quiz to which you will find the answers below.

  • What is the total supply of GRT tokens?
  • What is The Graph?
    An indexing protocol for organizing blockchain data
  • What are subgraphs?
    Open APIs that anyone can query
  • What’s the query language used for Subgraphs?
  • What do Curators do?
    Signal on quality subgraphs by depositing GRT in return for curation shares
  • What are Indexers?
    Node operators that index data and serve queries
  • Why do indexers have to stake GRT?
    For economic security so if they misbehave they can be slashed
  • By delegating GRT to Indexers what can you do?
    Help secure the network and make sure there are plenty of indexers to serve and process data for the crypto economy


If you successfully completes the quiz, you will receive 10 GRT tokens as reward. Rewards are limited so hurry up, first come first serve! 

Thanks for reading.


Disclaimer: All information found on this article is for informational purposes only. I do not provide any personal investment advice so please make your own research before proceeding to any investment/trading actions.


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