Learn about Polkastarter & earn $5 of POLS tokens - CoinMarketCap Earn quiz answers

By wantumeni | wantumeni | 14 Jul 2021

Polkastarter "Learn & Earn" Campaign will run from July 14th to July 23rd.

Earn $POLS

What is Polkastarter?

Polkastarter is a platform helping early stage projects bring their ideas to life by distributing tokens among a dedicated and passionate community. It does this by launching pools that have a maximum amount of tokens they can distribute and a cap on the amount each participant can buy.

Before taking the quiz, make sure to learn about Polkastarter through the 3 lessons below. Even though I provide the answers, the whole purpose is to learn something new:


How to take the quiz?

Make sure to have a CoinMarketCap account and a Binance account (KYC verified) as you will need a Binance user ID to complete the quiz. The tokens will be dropped into your $POLS spot account. 

Once you're all set, you can now take the quiz to which you will find the answers below.

  • What is Polkastarter?
    A launchpad protocol to kickstart early-stage crypto projects
  • What type of fundraising occurs on Polkastarter?
  • What does IDO stand for?
    Initial Decentralized Offering
  • What are the benefits of a Polkastarter IDO to the projects that are fundraising?
    All of the above
  • Which of these chains is Polkastarter not live on?
  • What primary role does the POLS token play in a Polkastarter IDO?
    Participants must hold POLS to be whitelisted for an IDO
  • What is the minimum amount of POLS you have to own to be eligible for a Polkastarter IDO whitelist??
  • Add Polkastarter to your public watchlist and paste the URL
    (ex: https://coinmarketcap.com/watchlist/605f6a56c7173f644f765318)


If you successfully complete the quiz, you should receive $5 of POLS tokens as a reward. Note that the rewards are limited so hurry up, first come first serve! 

Thanks for reading.


Disclaimer: All information found on this article is for informational purposes only. I do not provide any personal investment advice so please make your own research before proceeding to any investment/trading actions.


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