Learn about MOBOX & earn KEY tokens - CoinMarketCap Earn quiz answers

By wantumeni | wantumeni | 23 Jun 2021

MOBOX learn & earn campaign quiz is open since today, 12:00 GMT, and will run from June 23rd to July 1st.

What is MOBOX?

MOBOX ($MBOX) is a community governed platform that combines the best of DeFi Yield Farming with Gaming NFTs, creating an exciting and revolutionary GameFi experience.

Before taking the quiz, make sure to learn about MOBOX through these 5 lessons. Even though I provide the answers the whole point is to learn something new:

  • What is MOBOX?
  • What is GameFi: Free to play, play to earn
  • What is a MOMO & NFT interoperability
  • The MBOX Token
  • Momo Token Master


How to take the quiz?

Make sure to have a CoinMarketCap account and a Binance account as you will need a Binance user ID to complete the quiz. Also, you will need a Binance Smart Chain wallet or a MetaMask, TrustWallet, etc... wallet.

Once you're all set, you can now take the quiz to which you will find the answers below. Please let me know if there are incorrect answers.

  • Q1: Max supply: 1,000,000,000
  • Q2: Number of games on their platform: 3 (games)
  • Q3: Combination of staking and gaming NFTs: GameFi
  • Q4: What is true interoperability? Combining cross chain and cross platform functionality for NFTs
  • Q5: What BC is it on? Binance Smart Chain
  • Q6: What are the NFTs called? MOMOs


There are a total of 1000 KEY tokens so hurry up, first come first serve! 

If you have been lucky enough to win a KEY token, you simply need to follow these steps.

Thanks for reading.


Disclaimer: All information found on this article is for informational purposes only. I do not provide any personal investment advice so please make your own research before proceeding to any investment/trading actions.


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