DON’T MISS — Free FORTH token for everyone!

By Kev HK | VoiceHK | 26 Apr 2021

Coinbase is offering free FORTH token that worth USD 3 to everyone! It’s not a lot, but it’s easy and quick free token. All it takes is to complete a short quiz that takes 1 min to complete. Why not?


In case you did not heard about Coinbase Earn, it is a platform from Coinbase for people to learn about different cryptocurrencies via educational content. In order to participate, you need to have a Coinbase account.

If you do not have a Coinbase account yet, this is the registration link. Registration takes a few minutes.

In your Coinbase homepage, look for Coinbase Earn, and you will see the learning campaign on FORTH:


There are 3 videos (each within 1 minute) about FORTH that you can watch. But you can also choose to skip these videos and go directly to the quiz.

There are 3 questions in the quiz. Answering each question correctly will give you FORTH token that worth USD 1. Deposit will be made to your Coinbase account instantly.

Answers to these 3 questions can be found in my medium article.

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Kev HK
Kev HK

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