We Look Back

We look back a decade

And in those days we laughed.


We look back and remember,

desperate to open our chest.


We look back and dream

Hoping to relight this ember.


We look back tonight and breath,

let the oxygen in and watch the sparks fly.


We look back and want to run and hide,

none the less the time is nye.


We look forward the past is dead,

life starts as we journey towards the end.


We look forwards,

but never forget where we begin.


Tapestries, puzzles, canvases, more at link below



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The Virtual Idealist
The Virtual Idealist

Hi, this is The Pursuit, its meant to be a fun entry point into the crypto world for me. I will be writing Poetry, Short Stories, NFT/Gaming articles, and more. I invite you all to come along with me for the ride and i thank you for the support .

LazyArt's Poetry
LazyArt's Poetry

This space will be used for daily poems

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