I said some things

I said some things,

they weren't very kind.

Definitely could of shut up,

and left it behind.


However let me say this,

not a sentence of what was said

was in any way not the truth.

Every word was several years overdue.


I said some things,

it didn't help

So what should i, what could i.

guess it doesn't matter its said and done.

A decent debate can be good,

But to be clear none of that was fun,

simply had to be done.




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The Virtual Idealist
The Virtual Idealist

Hi, this is The Pursuit, its meant to be a fun entry point into the crypto world for me. I will be writing Poetry, Short Stories, NFT/Gaming articles, and more. I invite you all to come along with me for the ride and i thank you for the support .

LazyArt's Poetry
LazyArt's Poetry

This space will be used for daily poems

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