🌼 Who Really Likes Flowers?

By valerianis | Valerian Kadyshev | 14 Jun 2022

A honey bee flits about the garden, stopping eagerly to taste some nectar.


As she moves from an arrowwood blossom to a bloom of the Leucanthemum flower, you can see pollen dusting her head and hind legs. She is taking in the nectar and, in the process, she is also gathering pollen from the male parts of the flower.


On the pictures there is the Leucanthemum vulgare plant growing in my garden.


And do you enjoy flowers as much as this honey bee does?


Do not forget to watch the slow-motion macro footage of the *Apis mellifera* honeybee foraging nectar:


The photographs, video, and all the text are my own. Copyright (C) 2022 Valerian Kadyshev.

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From a heart of the vodka-land.

Valerian Kadyshev
Valerian Kadyshev

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