Bad news for Petro (PTR): companies denying to pay for fuel in the centralized Venezuelan digital currency.

By alberdioni8406 | S.O.S | 27 Jan 2020

Recently the Venezuela Leader Nicolas Maduro, demanded that 4.5 Millions of barrels of crude to be sold by the National Firm that are responsable to provide the Oil in the country, using Petro PTR, in order to promote the digital asset.

That wasn't the only news mentioning Petro PTR, he also demanded that all the airlines companies which operate in their flight space to purchase the fuel in PTR, but seems that isn't the consent from the Airlines companies.

Now the country may face a really problem because the airlines Firms are refusing to buy the fuel using the Government digital asset.

Well, this was expected to happen and more people are truly believers that the appeal of the Venezuela Government to start using the Petro PTR, is in a reality a gesture of desperation.

Cryptocurrency must be adopted, not imposed, and when the Government start creating projects demanding to use it, sounds more like a scam, that needs money to be injected in the crypto from the Country, avoiding the US sanctions.

The Airlines who accept to purchase the fuel with the PTR can incur in a penalization from the US, as they will be accused of violating the Sanctions as PTR is considered Fake and illegal in the US.

So now despite the country is emerging in a internal crisis, can also be accused of violating the Sanctions if the airlines use PTR to purchase fuel, and who will actually suffer will be the Venezuelan people.

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