SiteGround WordPress web hosting

Get three months of web hosting free with SiteGround

By Uncryptic | Uncryptic Crypto | 5 Jan 2023

Looking for web hosting? Right now you can get three months free on a SiteGround plan of your choice using my referral link:

Hands up, I benefit too - my own plan gets extended slightly if anyone takes up this offer - but I wouldn't be using SiteGround myself if I wasn't happy with their product and support. And I've been with them since 2018, so that's got to count for something. In that time I've had to raise maybe half a dozen support tickets and they've all been dealt with pretty quick.

SiteGround are focused on providing super-fast hosting for WordPress sites (including WooCommerce), which is what I use them for. But they also support Drupal, Magento and a bunch of other platforms/CMSes if that's your bag.

Anyway what with it being the first week of January, I thought that lots of P0xers might be planning to start a new project - something they might need hosting for. So I hope you don't mind me sharing. You can also sign up for just the free three months if you like, so there's no risk.

One other thing: it's a limited-time offer. As far as I can tell, it will only be available until 9 January (that's this coming Monday).

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Uncryptic Verified Member

You may remember me as Technically Product! I'm now called Uncryptic here on Publish0x to reflect my focus on crypto and explaining it in simple terms. I hope you find my writing useful.

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