The Sun's Energy is Stronger Than Ever : Power Up With Solar

By Eye Create Content | TwoSuns | 9 Aug 2020

Times have changed, and the sun's energy is stronger than ever. What do I mean by the sun's energy is stronger than ever?

Well, energy has transitioned into what I believe it should have been for many years, renewable, affordable, better yet in some cases- FREE!

The sun's energy is stronger than ever, and we should be using the most potent source for humanity to power up.

The energy produced by fossil fuels has proven to be unsafe and dangerous to the environment. Although it's considered a natural way of creating energy, it causes pollution, and it is not renewable. Then there is nuclear energy that's not visible to the eyes and is not a clean safe form of power. Nuclear power is also dangerous and expensive on the pockets.

So why not embrace renewable energies in a way that will protect and advance us as a human race.

*Like most articles, this may contain affiliate links that I believe are only helpful in nature for the readers.


Renewable energy is clean powered energy, that we can use from natural forms of resources.  Renewable energy provides electricity to power cars, power our home appliances, keep us warm, or keep us cool on hot days.    We can receive clean energy from three well-known natural methods, windsun, and water

Mother nature has provided us with everything we need to live here on earth, and it is astounding and vital to know that those three elements are the key ingredients to us, maintaining an energy-free life.

The global market economies have taken these natural resources and turned them into nothing but free. Because we are not all well educated on how to utilize these vital sources to survive and thrive, we pay the price to live.

However, I want to share some interesting facts about solar renewable energy that may get your mind powered up!  a17d66a747beab8796a7800a4cc68e99620669f202fbc3201f0bc6332b5d2f44.png  


Solar energy is produced by the radiation that comes from the sun. Through one process called photovoltaic, where photons from the sun hit solar panels, we can generate electricity, allowing homes and companies to utilize renewable energy. Solar power can be used to power many functions to help us maintain our daily life.   Did You Know?

Solar energy is the most abundant source of powered energy out of all other energy sources. Like it or not, all other forms of energy is dependent on solar power. Not to mention, it is the most natural form of energy!

Why is only less than one percent of the sun's energy is being harnessed?   According to, we would only need 21,250 square miles of solar panels to meet the United States' electricity needs. Which is not a lot when it is broken down, it is actually only a half of a percent out of 3,800,000 miles of land United States has. We could power the entire world by harnessing solar energy just using 1% of the Sahara desert. The Sahara desert is 3.6 million miles, and all we need is 43,000 square miles of it to install solar panels and power up the world.

Why do we continue to use energy sources that are dangerous and expensive when the sun will provide all the energy we will ever need?

The laws of Thermodynamics energy says energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Also, the second law applies that energy is continuously converted from high to low quality, meaning ALL ENERGY is valuable and useful. The power of the sun is so valuable and will be forever useful.  


Investing in solar energy can be very rewarding now and in the future. There are few ways to invest in solar power, and one is to buy solar panels. You can save thousands without monthly bills and never worry about your electricity being shut off.

Many homes and businesses worldwide have already turned to renewable energy sources like solar and wind to generate electricity.

Solar is an excellent alternative to other expensive energy solutions, and it is one of the more accessible sources. However, it is a very competitive market out there, and someone will need to do research first to avoid unwanted circumstances when getting involved with solar energy products.

Still, I am sure there are many resources available to make that prominent move towards using clean energy. You can start by checking out some of the resources below. 


Solar Power for Beginners: How to Design and Install the Best Solar Power System for Your Home Mobile Solar Power Made Easy!: Mobile 12 volt off grid solar system design and installation. RV's, Vans, Cars and boats! Do-it-yourself step by step instructions 


I know travelers, people who live on the road full-time or off the grid would really appreciate the ability to always have access to electricity.  With Ecoflow portable power stations, you can receive clean and reliable energy anywhere! Check out some of their products at  


Do you already use solar energy? Great, you can take advantage of the claim your coins with SolarCoin a cryptocurrency that is rewarding energy producers. 97.5 billion coins were created to reward those who use solar power. SolarCoin will reward energy producers 1 SolarCoin per 1 MWh of verified electricity produced.   Why not GET STARTED it's free and you earn Solarcoins? At the time of writing this post on Solarcoin it is worth at least a penny, and who knows the price may increase over time.


You can also get connected for free with community-shared clean energy programs that help you save money on your energy bills without having to actually install any systems such as solar panels.

Did you know that you can start supporting clean energy for free in just 2 minutes? Arcadia makes it possible for us all to help build a #renewablefuture. Connect your home to renewables like I did, and enjoy $10 off your next utility bill: GET STARTED

You can also consider following me to stay updated as I will continue to share more on renewable energy that can benefit us all. Publishox

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Eye Create Content
Eye Create Content

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