PipeFlare Staking Rewards Update

PipeFlare Staking Week 1 - Twisted Slippers Crypto Journey

PipeFlare Staking is a new thing to many, myself included.  I was sitting on a few thousand tokens from playing the games on PipeFlare months and months ago.  I decided to jump back in to PipeFlare for the free ZEC, DOGE and FLARE Tokens.  

Just the other day, I believe it was on April 9th I noticed that Staking of the Flare Token was a possibility so I decided to jump in.

PipeFlare Staking Status and Transactions

Amount of Flare Tokens Available to Be Staked (as of April 9th): 6,500
Amount of Flare Tokens Staked (as of April 9th): 6,000
Leftover Flare Tokens After Staking: 500

Staking Options Made:

  • 1,500 FLARE Tokens Staked in "No Lockup"
  • 1,500 FLARE Tokens Staked in "1 Months"
  • 1,500 FLARE Tokens Staked in "6 Months"
  • 1,500 FLARE Tokens Staked in "12 Months"

No Lockup Transactions:
April 10th, 2021: 0.041301 Interest

1 Months Transactions:
April 10th, 2021: 0.12515 Interest

6 Months Transactions:
April 10th, 2021: 0.167706 Interest

12 Months Transactions:
April 10th, 2021 0.210688 Interest

PipeFlare Game Transactions:
April 10th, 2021: 188 Tokens Earned

Total Tokens Earned From Staking Interest and Mobile Games: 188.37
Total Un-Staked Count: 788.37


The plan right now is to continue staking once the available count is at 1,000 Flare Tokens


What do you all think we should do?  Stake everyday? Stake everytime we reach 1,000 Tokens?  Looking forward to reading your comments and hope you decide to following along this journey.

If you also want to join in on the Staking fun over at PipeFlare, this is my affiliate link: https://pipeflare.io/r/2wd3

My Affiliate Links to earn Crypto:

PipeFlare, this is my affiliate link - https://pipeflare.io/r/2wd3
Browse the net and earn Bitcoin - Crypto Tab Browser
Earn Rewards With Your Phone! - https://coin.onelink.me/ePJg/6a73920d
Turn Gold Into Bitcoin - Virtual Farming
DSPToken Staking - DSP Token Staking
T2X Staking - T2X Token Staking

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Twisted Slippers Crypto Journey
Twisted Slippers Crypto Journey

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